CHOOSE HAPPINESS #wholebeinghappiness

Everyone has emotional predisposition.

Some people struggle with happiness. It isn’t in their “make-up,” so to speak. They wake up and scan their world for issues, worst case scenarios. 

Some people have the happy gene. I think my son does. They just see the world (and their glass) as half full no matter what. It’s in their makeup. So, when life hands them lemons, well….it may be sour, but they make lemonade and figure out how to add the sugar.

Can some people be both? I’m not sure, but there is something called the Happiness Set Point. I’m halfway through my course on WholeBeing Happiness. I barely mentioned it on stories and got more DMs about it than I ever have about anything else. I think 2020 has done a number on many of us. It’s fascinating to me how happiness can be learned. At least, I’m learning so much. Just altering my perspective and looking at my WHOLE being. We cannot thrive if we ignore parts of ourselves. *I know this to be true because I’ve tried. I’ve tried hard to shut down emotional parts of myself, trauma from my marriage— and just focus on moving forward in other areas, but this doesn’t work in the long run. “When you negate, you activate”*and those emotions come haunting you when you least expect it. 

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I happened to be in the middle of difficult divorce on March 13th when the world collapsed. I had just gone back to B&B for a stint, wondering if possibly it could keep going. Then, everything shut down - for all of us. My set court dates for custody were pushed, then pushed again. Lawyer fees were intense. Still are. Hayden and I barely left the house (house is generous word, as we downsized to an apartment from our home).

I was going through the worst time in my life and suddenly, we needed protective gear to just walk the dog.

The stress took a toll (I know I’m not alone). In some instances, I became indecisive and had trouble making simple decisions, which I’m learning are symptoms from past trauma. This course is helping me change the way I think - even hope for the best outcomes possible and heal.

Everyone I talk to has their own story. Or worse. They lost someone during covid.  Some because of covid. So, taking your “whole being” temperature right now can be an interesting endeavor. Part of the work is figuring out where you are on their SPIRE scale, which his an acronym for spiritual, physical, intellectual, relational and emotional.

And the first hurdle is awareness.  This doesn’t take away from my devotionals or small bible study through my church. It’s simply another tool to work parallel with that. 

As a mother, a single one at that, I’m finding this course is helping me with time management. Parents can so easily get focused on certain parts of their lives (families, work, etc), they neglect the other aspects and find themselves running on empty. How many times have we thought- “there’s just not enough time in the day?” Or “I just need a day to sleep!” You get it, I’m sure.

As I mentioned in my instagram post today, I am appreciating WBI so much, I spoke to one of the founders about partnering with them to give you all a discount. Not sure exactly how we can make all this work, but If you’re interested in doing this course and end up taking it, lmk. I’d love to send you workbook that goes with it, as a gift. The same one I’m using. Plus, I’m thinking it’d be cool to do a zoom with those of you that are taking the course for us all to discuss. Thoughts? I really want to do this. They also agreed to do something extremely rare and give a $100 discount. Use code AJ100 (case sensitive). I looked at this as an invaluable experience that I could do on my own time and less expensive that traditional therapy I was orgininally going to attend.

**taken from WBHappiness Course

Happy Monday.

xo AAJ

Healthy and Humble


My grandmother is 91. She is alive and well, quick as a whip and of sound mind. Oh how I hope I live to see Hayden’s kids have kids (my Nanny has so many great-grandchildren, I’d have to map them out).  She’s taught me many life lessons over the years… but one thing that stands out health wise is what she told me about aluminum.  “Don’t put that stuff on your body, especially after you shave,” she said. “It’s not good for you in the long run.”


That definitely stuck with me, however I didn’t fully implement her advice. I drank sodas (and occasionally still do) out of aluminum cans, I used antiperspirants with aluminum as the main active ingredient. However, a quick google search reveals mixed conclusions about how bad aluminum really is for us, so I didn’t worry about it. 

Now, I’m at a age where I’m rethinking things. If I can put less chemicals in my body or on my body, mind as well go that route, right? If you missed my last post, you may not know I’m freezing my eggs. The process involves injecting hormones to your body, so it’s important to check for any potential risks, like breast cancer or issues with your body’s detoxifying process.

Sitting in the radiology lab, undressing to get my breast squashed into a cold, very powerful machine, the technician asked, “What is this scar?”, looking at a thin faded line across my left nipple on my breast. 

“I was 12, I think. Or around there.” She continued to talk, as she could tell I was nervous. I really didn’t need to be- it wasn’t as scary or hurt as badly as I remembered the first time.

Getting my last mammogram.

Getting my last mammogram.

“Did they remove tissue and do biopsy?” she asked, as she marked it with a small sticker. Yes, they did. It was benign. I didn’t dwell on it then. I was too young. In 2017, another nodule caught my doctor’s attention during my first mammogram. It’s been something they have watched. It is still there, hence the recent followup with another mammogram. Waiting for the results to come back to see if the nodule has grown was difficult. It has not. I’m taking proper precautions… and monitoring the size with a breast specialist now , but this is what I really want you to take from all of this: There are things in life we can control and prevent and some things we may not be able to. The things we can — shouldn’t we? 

It seems wise to look at ingredients in products we put directly on skin and lymphatic system, like aluminum, dyes, parabens, etc. If you’re like me (someone that shaves), we open up those follicles with steam from our showers and razors. Then, many times, we exit the shower and within minutes are putting deodorant directly on one of our biggest lymph nodes. Could this be harmful? I’m not a doctor, and there is no solid evidence to prove me correct. There IS plenty of evidence, however, proving these ingredients leave your body through your detoxification system. Which is why the FDA requires the WARNING on the back to consult your doctor if you have kidney disease and call poison control if ingested. There is also association with aluminum and dementia. Mental health now and in the future should be a concern for all of us.

With my body detoxing so many things out there already, this is something I can alleviate. I’m not making any claims here- and I’m happy to engage in a healthy debate. I’m just sharing little changes we could make on the road to more holistic living. (See

When I heard about HumbleBrands deodorant, I was weary because nothing all natural and organic ever worked for me in the past. I’ve tried MANY, but when I really needed dry protection, I would bring in the big guns- the ones with ALUMINUM. FYI: all deodorants are aluminum free- aluminum is only in antiperspirants. The trick is to find a deodorant that keeps you dry and odor free.

Humble is working for me. I stay dry. I love the variety of scents and sizes that appeals to men and women. I have a small travel size in my makeup bag for reapplication on long days on sets or just long days (find it HERE, then go to the SHOP page/ deodorant/ travel sizes. 

I got this far in this post without saying the C-word. October is breast cancer awareness month, so I’m gonna just say this.  Be aware. MEN and women. Cancer doesn’t discriminate. (see

When they heard my enthusiasm for their product, our partnership made sense. I’m honored to spread the word about wellness products that work and change our lives in the long run, as my Grandmother said. Plus, they are doing a one for one this month! For every bottle of Moroccan Rose bought ($10) they donate one bottle to someone battling breast cancer. If that doesn’t give you a reason to buy one… ! Pro tip: add the travel size versions and lip balms —you will not be disappointed — and get FREE SHIPPING. (Anything over $25 garners this perk!). I’m adding these to everyone’s stocking this year for Christmas!

USE CODE ASHLEY20 FOR 20% OFF RIGHT NOW. My goal is to get this Moroccan Rose bottle to 1000 women battling breast cancer by the end of October. Join me, please. Let me know if you do;)

I don’t want to participate in fear mongering, I just want to participate in awareness and sharing thoughts. So, please, share yours!

TO ENTER THE GIVEAWAY, MAKE SURE YOU LIKE THESE TWO POSTS HERE and HERE, and follow both accounts. EXTRA CREDIT IF YOU LEAVE A PINK HEART IN THE COMMENTS. 10 of you will win a care package (serious goodies!!) from HumbleBrands. You do NOT want to miss out.




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A few weeks ago, on my instagram stories, I started talking about carving out my own HOLISTIC WELLNESS PLAN. I’ve recently had some doctor’s appointments checking blood work, etc. (read post about that here) that were fine, but I wasn’t feeling great. Two dear friends (thanks Bri Cuoco and Kaley Cuoco) sat me down and SERIOUSLY analyzed every ounce of what I was putting in my body. I’ve had countless people discuss wellness and I’ve read a great deal about the topic over the years. I’m grateful because it’s cumulative. Every one of those people/books planted seeds.

The instagram story that sparked interest was over an OAT MILK latte. Many of you had questions- some offered advice. Why oat milk? No dairy? What else are you giving up? Will you ever have cheese again?

I am changing things up! No more cow’s milk for me or my hot chocolate powder with marshmallows. YES— for about 20 years I’ve had hot chocolate powder with marshmallows in my coffee EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING. Not to say I won’t ever have a mocha again, but it will be a treat, not the norm. I’m not gonna lie to you, the oat milk was different at first. But, two weeks in— I like it. I tried almond milk, but I like to steam and froth the milk and almond doesn’t seem to work as well. 

Lemme start from the beginning, and maybe you want to walk through this with me, too?



ME: overall health, feeling tired, bloated tummy, breakouts and bumps on arms, feel better about myself


ME: more energy, less anxiety, better sleep, longer life

TAKE Literal INVENTORY in your pantry and fridge. WHAT WILL YOU NOT ALLOW IN THE HOUSE ANY MORE? (side note: I have some things for Hayden, so this requires discipline!)

ME: diet sodas, too much sugar, gluten, processed foods, dairy. No more string cheese (I love these!!!) Not to say I won’t ever eat or drink these things, just not going to have them readily available.


ME: whole foods, fresh foods, SPICES, more plant based

strawberry picking blog



I will do better today than I did yesterday. This is a lifestyle change (marathon), not a race. AND IT IS ABOUT FEELING BETTER, NOT being a smaller size.


If you can, grow your own food. Go to farmer’s market. Go to a farm to pick your fruit one day. Find great recipes and make them your own.


Even if it’s you and your mom! Or a group of three on text chain (that’s what mine is with my girlfriends, just the three of us. And they check in constantly. Like, several times a day.


Find the tribe that will keep you going or give you new ideas! SHARE YOUR FAVORITES WITH ME, PLEASE! twitter, fb, or instagram and pinterest.

HERE ARE A FEW I AM FOLLOWING FOR INSPIRATION. Take what works for you, weed out the rest.






Over the next few weeks, I’ll write more about this topic, but thought these questions would be a good place for us to all start. Would you all be interested in knowing exact overhauls Bri and Kaley insisted on me making (exact products, foods, recipes, exercise ideas, etc)? 

LMK. Also, thanks for being here. Your involvement inspires me.

xoxo AAJ

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This post was written in partnership with Kowa Pharmaceuticals America, Inc. and Take Cholesterol to Heart. All opinions, content and experiences written are my own. I am not a medical professional and am not qualified to give medical advice. Please talk with your doctor about your individual medical situation.


It’s National Women’s Health Week! You’ve heard me say it before and I will say it again: we must protect our hearts! One of the things this year has taught me so far is to stay as healthy as possible. Underlying issues can make us susceptible to illness. So, let’s carve out an overall wellness plan specific to our individual heart health needs starting with… 


After discussing heart health in previous posts and on social media, I noticed quite a few responses from you all saying you DO have high cholesterol, or it runs in your family. Being aware of your cholesterol levels is a first step, so I commend those of you that are taking control of your health. It’s not as scary when you know how to manage it under a doctor’s care. If you haven’t had a chance to discuss cholesterol with your doctor, please make this a priority as soon as possible (virtual appointments are available until you’re able to meet live again!). In partnership with Take Cholesterol to Heart, I’m having some of your most pressing questions about heart health answered on my Instagram Stories- so look for that today to ask your question! 

American Heart Association recommends getting cholesterol checked every 4-6 years starting at the age of 20. It’s easy to feel invincible when you’re active, eating mindfully and seemingly healthy, especially if there are no symptoms disrupting our lives. Some people have high cholesterol and don’t know it - that’s why smart lifestyle choices are imperative, but not necessarily a one-size-fits-all solution! 

Did you know that LDL, or bad cholesterol, can build up and cause plaque in the bloodstream? This plaque can build up along the walls of arteries, making it more difficult for blood to flow through the arteries and out to the body. This can lead to heart disease, which is the number one killer in America. That’s why it’s important for us to monitor our hearts. 


Move your body, ideally for at least 40 minutes, 3-4 times a week.

Eat for your heart, higher fiber and less fatty diets can go a long way!

Rest. Relax. Reset.

Lately, I’ve been reading about people that live in the ‘Blue Zones’, which are said to be geographic regions where people live the longest – it’s fascinating! Their lifestyles follow many of the guidelines from the American Heart Association.

They move often because they walk more than drive. Of course, this is not always conducive to living in cities like Los Angeles, but parking further away, running after Hayden and walking to the park instead of driving are things I need to remind myself to do. Also, I’ve switched up the snacks we keep readily available, including healthier options such as sliced tomatoes and fruit slices instead of chips and cheese!


Gardening is another commonality of the ‘Blue Zones’, which improves mental health and gives us a sense of purpose and responsibility. Plus, we can grow some of the best foods for our heart: leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, etc. That’s why one of the things I miss right now is a yard – but if you’re like Hayden and me, we find areas to “garden” in our condo. I’m realizing the benefits are the same regardless of the size (and a great activity to teach Hayden, too). 

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As a single mom, I know how often we juggle children, work and everyday life. I see my own mother still doing the same. She may no longer be teaching school and her children are grown, but she still juggles her adult children (and Hayden), church work and other family members. Although she’s good about seeing her doctors when needed, I still bring up the conversation often.


This National Women’s Health Week, can we not only check in with ourselves about our heart health, but also have a HEART-TO-HEART with a loved one? Ask how she is protecting her heart? A friend, sister, mother, aunt… sometimes a simple question can lead to great discussion – and proactive treatment plan. For some people, their plan might include a doctor prescribing cholesterol-reducing medication. For more information, please visit Take Cholesterol to Heart.

Would love to hear about these conversations… and in the meantime, what is your number one daily activity to protect your own heart?






HOW TO COPE IN QUARANTINE and BEYOND. Recently, there have been a lot of new visitors to the blog! Welcome. Thank you for being here. Please introduce yourself in comments;)

It seems almost everyone I’ve talked to has had some crummy days. Actually rotten, awful, no-good, very bad days. Even those of us with the HAPPY GENE. Can YOU relate? I don’t need to state the obvious, but will anyway cause I tend to do that.🤷🏼‍♀️  Just because the quarantine is happening doesn’t mean life is stopping. The natural storms of life still roll in at the most inopportune times: health issues, marital problems, infertility, financial stress, domestic abuse, job loss, divorce, etc, then layer on COVID-19 quarantine. And we don’t have the typical support usually afforded us. We feel more alone. I often tell myself- if I could just deal with ONE of the things going on, it would be manageable. This time has forced us ALL to create a new normal.  A new baseline for stress and managing life. I reckon by the time we become so good at this new normal, it’ll be over, then we will have to reconcile the “old” with the “new ways” of our lives. Do we shake hands again meeting new people? How do we handle massively public places like Disneyland and concerts? 

If you’re one of the new ones here and don’t know, everything changed for my son and me last August. I’m currently going through a divorce. It doesn’t ring true to keep so much private, but it’s necessary. 

It’s probably obvious I’m a single mom in quarantine with a three-year-old in an apartment tripping over Paw Patrol toys trying to make ends meet with lawyer bills. But another way for me to write that? I’m so blessed to have a  beautiful, HEALTHY, GOOD boy, while staying sane and afloat by the grace of God in a city with nearly perfect weather and a diehard loving support system that includes YOU. #Perspective. 

To those going through any major life changes during this time, please be gentle on yourself. I remind myself that every. single. day. This too shall pass. We will look back in amazement, knowing God carried us through the worst and we’re more than SURVIVORS. We will thrive.💪🏼💪🏼

Now, back to those over-whelming days where life nearly strangles you metaphorically and you feel like the house fell on you as the tornado drifted away.

I made a list today curated from trial and error, sermons, books, teachers.  I’ll reference on days where circumstances seem heavy, now or anytime in the future, ‘cause anxiety will not go away with the quarantine, sadly.


  1. Pray and breathe. Be specific. So grateful for the life I have and I’m requesting for myself (and those going through similar things) energy, stamina and wisdom today to get me through x, y and z, and to approach everyone with an open loving heart. 

  2. Jot down thoughts as they come. Identify the mental road blocks and literally write them down. Work through them one by one.

  3. Phone a confidant. Or zoom or FaceTime with a group.

  4. I can’t see clearly what my blocks are if my world is cluttered. I need a clean environment. I know people that need to go for a run to clear their minds. Or COOK or BAKE (love seeing all the recipes!), or simply change up the scenery (hence our “road trip” 80minutes away to the California poppies pictured in this post). You know yourself well enough to know what can help, now you must do it.

  5. Look at your situation from a third perspective. I picture myself as a friend coming in to help. What would I tell a friend/sister? How would I help her?

  6. Help someone else. However big or small, it shifts gears in a good way.

  7. Write down something to look forward to…. a hot bath, a good meal, book, even SLEEP

  8. MUSIC. When I’m in a place of high anxiety, I need silence. But, once I get through the first hurdle, music can help me tremendously. Should I share my favorite playlists?

  9. Visualize the other side… when your goals are met and you are over the hurdle? Tell yourself (or a friend) the story of how you OVERCAME the insurmountable and what it took to do it. This is a powerful exercise. HOW DOES IT FEEL?


Life can easily seem insurmountable, like a living nightmare. If you’re going through it today, be as gentle as you would be to your best friend. It’s okay to be exactly where you are. Even if that means shutting down and doing nothing! In fact, sometimes it’s necessary. How do you cope with anxiety? I’d love to know your steps. Please share with us.



If you are experiencing thoughts of despair, please contact Suicide Prevention Hotline 800-273-8255, and if you are experiencing domestic abuse, please call 1-800-799-SAFE.

Right near the road, easy access to stand, or hunker down without hurting the poppies! ALL SOCIAL DISTANCING PROTOCOLS WERE OBSERVED.

Right near the road, easy access to stand, or hunker down without hurting the poppies! ALL SOCIAL DISTANCING PROTOCOLS WERE OBSERVED.

This dress has been a favorite for years now. The slip in photo above got bunched up when I stood, but it is longer than pictured;) Buying pieces that last is part of the philosophy of sustainable fashion. I have worn this over and over (own a few colors that are on sale, too, see below). I’m in a size small for buying reference. Click photo below for more details and available colors ($89).

The Foundation of a Holistic Wellness Plan


Amidst all the concerns caused by coronavirus, please remember to take care of the rest of your body.  This is a sponsored post I wrote for Invitae about heart health before Covid-19 became a pandemic, however it applies now more than ever. This time is teaching us to look at any underlining medical conditions and address them. And it goes without saying, our immune systems need to be on their A-game. All tests discussed below can be taken in the comfort of your home while most of us are in “shelter in place” mode. 

Last month, I got to attend a health conference called #BlogHer20 Health hosted by SHE Media. I was with a ton of like-minded women coming together to discuss all things health and wellness. I got a good amount of DMs requesting I share the info, so I’m looking forward to sharing some of the highlights with y’all. One of the events around the conference was a spin class a block away from the Pacific ocean hosted by Invitae, a medical genetics company.

While moving as fast as I could in my stationary bike, sweating in the dark with a room full of people from all walks of life, I asked myself what I really wanted out of this day. I was there to learn about heart health - and hopefully share what I learned with you all. Ideally, I’m hoping all these wellness chats and posts lead us to create our own personal Holistic Wellness Plan. The plan will look different for each of us, but the foundation will be the same: arming ourselves with knowledge to understand our own bodies and needs. We can come together to hold ourselves accountable.

Invitae was discussing heart health that day. Heart disease is still the number one killer of women in America and is by no means rare, yet it is under diagnosed. That’s what is so scary to me: we could be doing all the right things, but still be genetically prone to certain diseases or high cholesterol levels.

Back when we could workout in gyms, yoga studios, spin class:)

Back when we could workout in gyms, yoga studios, spin class:)

In the post I recently wrote about heart health, I asked us all to open up the conversation with our doctors (and make that appointment). My own research started a dialogue with professionals and my family. I was assured my parents and grandmother are seeing cardiologists and getting their checkups. Since heart issues run in my family, prevention and knowledge are paramount. For me to create my own holistic wellness plan, I wanted to take it a step further and get screened to know if I’m genetically prone to any disease.

A cardio health screen determines your cardio health risks, which can serve as the basis to any holistic wellness plan by giving you the information you need to prevent or treat diseases.

I became very interested in learning about genetic cancer and cardio screenings available to me. What Invitae is doing is unprecedented. Invitae’s screening tests are now available to consumers to initiate directly through their website at affordable costs (with the ability to use HSA or FSA).

I initiated the genetic cardio screening. I received a package with straightforward directions. A doctor had to look over my questionnaire to approve and order the test. My screening used DNA from saliva. I was emailed as soon as the test was received and approved by a doctor for further testing. The Invitae Cardio Screen looks at 77 genes to help determine your risk of developing an inherited form of cardiovascular disease. Then, I received an email with an alert the results were ready and ability to consult a genetic counselor to help answer any questions and understand my results.


I took a genetic screening test when I was pregnant with Hayden, but this is the only one I took to invest in the rest of my life. I’m very curious - have you taken one? I hope you will consider it.

It was fascinating to study my test results. I am negative for any serious risk which is a relief because some of my family members deal with heart conditions. Of course, there are many other factors that determine your heart health, but for now, I’m gathering info for the foundation of my holistic wellness plan. Oh and by the way, I’d love to find out any questions you have and get them answered for you… so comment away! Looking forward to discussing ideas for the ultimate HOLISTIC WELLNESS PLAN (like the Mediterranean diet). What does that look like for you? What would you want your goals to be? So, chime in and then stay tuned!! Now, excuse me while I go have my hot water with lemon and get ready for my daily walk with Hayden and Oscar!



Pausing or Shapeshifiting?

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Melissa Jones (the fitness and weightless guru I follow) recently caught my attention talking about PAUSING or SHIFTING in life. Her discussion stuck with me. I think it’s significant to understand the phases we may go through. If we are in one phase, but don’t acknowledge it, we get very frustrated and disappointed in ourselves not meeting expectations. Or at least I do.

I took Melissa’s thought and expanded quite a bit. So, the seed came from her, but follow her if you want her ideas… these are my interpretations. I’m pretty certain Melissa was referring to the journey with Faster Way to Fat Loss, but many of her weight loss tips apply to life as well, not just food;)

Right now, today, although life is shifting overall, I AM PAUSING. I’m run down, I’ve picked my life battles carefully and here I am (good thing), but I’m tired. That’s ok, though. I know I need to allow my body to rest and my mind to process. At yoga, no matter what kind of class I go to— an intense sculpt class or hot fusion (36 held poses) —the last few minutes of class everyone PAUSES. We are completely still. No fidgets.  We allow our bodies to take a pause and soak up all our efforts.

PAUSING doesn’t mean we don’t go about our day to day activities and take care of our lives. I’m not talking about pausing in front of a pool with someone waiting on you. LOL (Although that doesn’t sound so bad!) This is more of a mental acknowledgment of a season. It might be a season of maintenance or a season of rest. It could last a few days, or a few years. During this phase, we can renew our spirit. One of my favorite Bible verses talks about God renewing our spirit and strength. Isaiah 40:30-31. Also, a verse most of us have heard or know, Psalm 23. When reading this chapter, you can easily see the phases of life… a time for rest, a time for renewal, a time for battle, a time to feast and a time to give thanks.

Psalm 23

I had a convo with a colleague/friend recently. She said she was “happy where her career was right this second” and felt she could relax. I know her and I know this won’t last long. Because it doesn’t need to. She will continue to move ahead, but it was special to hear her acknowledge where she was, how far she’d come and being content in the PAUSING mode for one moment, soaking up the efforts and refueling, waiting for clear direction for the next SHIFT.

I’m aiming to be shifting and moving forward soon. SHAPE-SHIFTING with life and work. I just typed, “I want to be more productive”, but I deleted it. Because I have been productive. What I am learning is that BOTH phases are significant and productive in their own ways. And understanding which one we are in helps relieve frustration. If we’re thinking we should have a better job, travel more, lose more weight, etc., but we are naturally in a pausing phase, this will frustrate us and not allow us to appreciate the benefits of where we are today.

Are you a shapeshifter or are you pausing right now? Have you thought about this lately? Thanks for reading all my babble today. And yes, I had to throw in the True Blood reference. Did you think I’d write a whole blog on shifting and not include “shapeshifter?” Made me smile;)

For those that are utterly confused, I played Daphne in the HBO show True Blood (see phone below). She was a shapeshifting waitress (shifted into a deer, a pig… you know the usual. ha!). And last but not least, thanks for listening to me babble. I’ll have more interesting, fun posts soon! Even my photos I’m using in the post are from last year… stay tuned for better. Love to you all.

Happy Weekend, all.

xoxo AAJ



BeautyCounter WINNERS ANNOUNCED!! YAYYYY. This is still from our SHOP SMALL post! I encourage you to check out the shops in that post.

If you didn’t win, there’s a pretty amazing sale going on right now. And I’m already working on the next giveaway. I like doing these, but would love some feedback! What categories are you most interested in? Leave in comments. For instance, would you want to see more of beauty or food/cooking or accessories? Toys for kids? You tell me.

So… Christmas came early for:

Erica Pulliam (@ericabpulliam) and Sharon Thierfelder (@sthierfelder)

Congrats. Thank you for following Elizabeth Ried on her journey with clean beauty. And thanks for following ME here on the blog and on social media! You will receive the items in the post listed below. Please DM Elizabeth Reid your address and your items will be shipped asap. Also, once you fall in love with these products, feel free to ask her about any others or grab a few in the sale section RN!

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Since our household has been sick, I haven’t been able to work out, but that CHANGED TODAY. Just got home from a killer workout. Showered, wrapping presents and feeling good. And something else making me feel good is GETTING TO ANNOUNCE THE WINNER with @MicheleBellStudio TODAY!

So, I had fun with Hayden and took the time to write the entrants on a sheets of paper and put them in a hat. He pulled out….

YAY, @KERR_RUSS. You won! Congratulations. You get to pick one pair of leggings or one acrylic block. 

And don’t worry if you didn’t win… THERE’S MORE!!! Woo-hoo.

Here’s the next one!! I’m not affiliated with these brands at all on a work level, just love that our community is coming together and I want to highlight some of YOU. Today, is:

Elizabeth Reid. She is a consultant giving THE GIFT OF CLEAN BEAUTY.


Get hooked on cruetly free, toxin-free beauty from BEAUTYCOUNTER. If you are interested in more info on this brand, follow her @eliza1009!! Feel free to ask her questions here and she will get back to you- or DM her! She is GIFTING TWO OF YOU (that is SO awesome and kind that 2 of you will win) the charcoal mask and No. 1 oil!

And all you have to do to enter this giveaway is FOLLOW HER on instagram, follow me- that’s it. We literally will put all the entrants in a hat and pull out the winner(s). For an extra entry in the hat— like BOTH OF OUR POSTS FOR THE NEXT WEEK on instagram.

Check out her site here to shop the Holiday Deals.

Good luck, y’all. This is over a $135 value! Perfect gift to pamper yourself (or your loved one). I am so wanting to try this charcoal mask and No 1 oil!!! LUCK YOU TWO!



As I was struggling to “go up the hill” in spin class this week at peak resistance, the instructor said something that struck me. TRANSFORMATION COMES AT A HIGH COST. She said that THREE times. And at one point, when I was about to just STOP, it was like she heard my inner voice and said, DO NOT GIVE UP BEFORE THE MIRACLE HAPPENS. You are almost at the top of the mountain. You are almost THERE. Don’t stop now. What is it that you NEED? What is it that you are PROTECTING? What are you SAVING? It’s up there at the top. GO GET IT.

The thing about transforming ourselves is this: something has to go. You leave part of your “old life” behind. There’s no way around this.

Now, none of this is new information. We’ve all read the inspiring memes a thousand times. But timing is everything, as they say. I am going through an uphill battle right now that doesn’t seem to have an end in sight most days. It’s financially and emotionally exhausting. But TRANSFORMATION COMES AT A HIGH COST. I am making some of the biggest changes of my life. As my preacher Rick Warren reminds us often, focus on the PURPOSE, not the problem. If I focus on the problem and the pain and my “old life,” it seems insurmountable. I feel punched in the gut. Small. Defeated and angry. The anxiety and fear that develops is debilitating, paralyzing and draining. If I focus on the purpose, that pain turns to productive power. And I have energy to pursue the new life I believe God has planned.

And as all this was happening in my head with sweat beating down me, I felt this cathartic rush of emotion. Like I was going to cry in spin class. Ha! Just when I couldn’t push the pedal any longer, the resistance weakened and we were going “downhill.” We reached the peak, caught our breath and we were moving forward at a fast pace. 


Not to make this more profound than it is, but IS KINDA IS! Such a metaphor for God pushing us to our full potential in life. TRANSFORMATION COMES AT A HIGH COST. I’m learning more and more about you all every time I post and you comment. Some of you are dealing with infertility, or being a new mother, or paying off debt, dealing with major health issues, losing loved ones, moving, marriage issues…. Whatever your uphill battle is today that’s taking away your power and feels debilitating, focus on the purpose one pedal push at a time. Stay focused on ONE TASK at a time. And know you are not alone. 

Would love to hear your thoughts- as always- in comments below. Tonight I have set aside time to go through comments on the last few posts!



ps- workout buddies that push you and hold you accountable are the best! Thank you @iamwillaford.

Verses and quotes I love that relate to this topic. Hope they inspire!

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NKJV)


“Write it on your heart

that every day is the best day in the year.

He is rich who owns the day, and no one owns the day

who allows it to be invaded with fret and anxiety.

Finish every day and be done with it.

You have done what you could.

Some blunders and absurdities, no doubt crept in.

Forget them as soon as you can, tomorrow is a new day;

begin it well and serenely, with too high a spirit

to be cumbered with your old nonsense.

This new day is too dear,

with its hopes and invitations,

to waste a moment on the yesterdays.”

ps- thank you, Mary, for reminding me of this one.

How to get Happy with God given gifts


I just got home from a workout and am feeling inspired, so I thought I’d put my fingers to the keys. I promised myself next time I felt motivated to share something with y’all, I’d just write it out as soon as I could.

It’s no secret my world is changing. ICYMI you can see a bit of it here and here, etc. I’ve let worry and fear seep into my being lately. I believe in prayer. I believe that God doesn’t want us to worry. And I don’t want to, either. But I am human. Only human. And right now, life has been depleting me.

I ran on adrenaline for so long to get me through a few significant phases. But the “phases” are still coming. Court dates, hearings, money, lawyers, etc. I AM WORRIED, EXHAUSTED AND DEPLETED. My adrenaline is waining. Some of you have commented on my posts. It’s ok. It makes sense.

My girlfriends Kaley, Bri, Ali and Willa have been encouraging me to sculpt out time to workout. And I did. Then I would feel guilty. I have so much to do right now, it felt selfish. But, last weekend, I was with Willa and she really saw it. She saw the depletion. So, she reminded me of something:

God gave us a gift with endorphins. Working our bodies (and minds) to the point of releasing our endorphins is a GIFT. Better than medicine. If you are healthy enough to get out and walk or move or spin or sculpt, DO IT. I know not everyone is, so that in and of itself is a gift. 20 minutes can change your day! I love this article experiment reported in SELF magazine:

All she knows is that she's overwhelmed. So at lunch, she heads to the gym and hops onto the elliptical. As her heart begins to pound, levels of the feel-good neurochemicals serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine rise in her body. So does brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a substance that may protect her brain from emotional disorders and repair damage that stress and depression cause. At the same time, opiate-like endorphins and endocannabinoids (similar to the other kind of cannabis) flood her system, leading to a sense of well-being. Read full article here.

For years, I’ve been an advocate of healthy habits: drinking water, working out (even if it meant jumping jacks and squats in my bedroom), sweating out the bad and putting in the good with your vitamins and supplements. But lately, I let life get the best of me. And Willa reminded me that God gives us ways to be proactive! Keep our minds sharp and our bodies flexible and give us energy. I need energy.

Today was everything for me. I poured out sweat and felt like I left the bad parts of me on my yoga mat. And my God given natural endorphins replaced the old with new energy.

I hope YOU are in an amazing spot in life already (then encourage us with a comment!), but if you are more in my shoes than you’d like to admit…. let’s encourage each other to do what we can. If it’s a walk or run, or yoga—— goooooo! Do it outside for freeeeee. If all you can do today is stand up and stretch…do it. Even for 20 minutes and get happy.

Please. Do it. You will feel better. You will FILL UP. And God can use you for your purpose.

Keep CALM. Eat Chocolate!


Hi you guys… Boy! So many changes happening. I feel like there are curve balls being thrown at me everyday. As I have said in other recent posts, I wanna keep as much continuity in our lives as possible. Being consistent in small daily habits yields big results in the long run. That I know is true whether you are making major life changes, or starting new diet habits.


Full disclosure, these photos were taken a bit ago. Hayden was starting pre-school and I was making sure he was getting a probiotic and multivitamin everyday. Being exposed to new germs at school and adjusting to a new schedule can throw a toddler off!

We all know that our bodies absorb the outside stress in our lives. Stress from simple things like traveling to major life changes like moving can affect our health. If you’re feeling like anything is “off” with your body, TRY A GREAT PROBIOTIC—- sometimes something that simple with a lot of water can help tremendously. I’m reminding myself of this as much as reminding you!

Hayden gets his yummy probiotic after dinner. It helps keep things regular and moving, if you know what I mean;) Plus, he thinks it’s dessert!


And for me, a morsel at night helps sleep. The probiotic, turmeric, calm… I’m eating all the good chocolates. I mentioned in my instagram stories recently that you can grab all of their flavors at Whole Foods now!! I was so excited Good Day Chocolate was in Whole Foods. I had to do some stories right there with Huck and Hayden. You can also get them all on amazon.

This brand has been a part of our lives for a while. If you’re new to this blog, check the posts HERE and HERE and HERE. We are real fans. Today I get to share the love…. we’re doing a fun GIVEAWAY with GOOD DAY CHOCOLATES because we just love you all that much!! They are making a generous variety pack for one of you to try all the different products. Make sure you LIKE THIS POST here on instagram and leave a comment here on the blog. That’s it! You’ll be entered. I’m really loving these giveaways. It’s a fun way to connect with you guys and give a little something back. It gives me joy. Hope you are liking them, too!



FAGE is back sponsoring this blog much do we love our FAGE®? FAGE has become such a staple in our lives. My mom even stocked in her fridge in Texas this week for Hayden because he requested it! I bring it along running errands, to Disneyland (scroll all the way down for photo;), playdates at the park. If we’re planning on eating it sooner than later, I literally throw it in my bag without lugging a cooler. I even included it at the kids’ recent birthday party. I wanted an alternative for parents that didn’t want their kids eating so much sugar. And, although we had great food there, I wanted to make sure I had a quick, healthy, low fat, protein packed snack for me. Especially during set up time before the food arrived. 

We brought quite a few FAGE® Total Split Cups. They were gone at the end of the party! I could not believe how many parents indulged (guilt-free) right along with me, or said they were grateful we had an alternative to cake for the kids. (Just remember to bring spoons if you follow suit.) I loved sharing FAGE with our friends. 

Clearly, by the look(s) on my face, I was grateful to sneak away for one second and enjoy my split cup. My husband thought it was so funny, he wanted a photo of me “taking my moment.” Because I TOOK A MOMENT and indulged. These pictures crack me up. The love is real.  Do you blame me? A 3-year-old and 7-year-old’s birthday! I needed energy. 

Just a bucket of FAGE at Hayden and Huck’s birthday party.

Just a bucket of FAGE at Hayden and Huck’s birthday party.


A friend at the party came up and mentioned they have the same ones in their fridge. She said her son thinks of them  as dessert! A treat worthy of bribery. She loves how they taste and appreciates how healthy they are! Sometimes her son doesn’t always eat his protein at dinner, but he’ll always have his FAGE

It’s true. I don’t worry so much about Hayden and Huck finishing their meal if they eat yogurt afterward. It’s packed with so many good benefits, it’s covers a lot of the basics. Probiotics, proteins, Vitamin D, etc. 

The split cups are almost like arts and crafts. The boys enjoy folding the perforated seam and pouring the flavored goodness over into the creamy white bowl. Hayden begs me, “let me pour it,” he says. Sometimes, if it’s right out of the fridge, it’s too cold to pour over, so I often set them out as I’m cooking dinner. By the time dinner is over, they are the perfect temperature for Hayden’s little arts-and-crafts-with-food time.


The last post on the blog about FAGE I described what I like that it DOESN’T have! No GMO’s, growth hormones, artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners or preservatives and no added sugars. 

I have to admit, my husband did not want me to substitute the 0% fat FAGE® plain yogurt in our recipes or dishes.  He wanted all the fat of old school sour creams, heavy creams, butters and oils. There is a time and a place for all that, but living your daily life, it’s better to have healthier options. I don’t mind fat. But saturated fat catches up with you quickly. Once I did the swap out, he couldn’t even tell the difference. He loved it!! Substituting with FAGE Greek yogurt, lowers the fat content greatly.  Recently, we’ve made lasagna with 0% yogurt, crustless quiche with yogurt, and I took out sour cream and added FAGE in our homemade burritos (see photo). FAGE now makes sour cream, so don’t be surprised with a new list of recipes coming your way. Have you made the swap?

and ps- I got all your recommended FAGE flavors! (thank you!) Loving my new dessert choices;) What other recipes would you like to see on the blog? Below I’m adding a new mac and cheese recipe that is quick and easy and healthier than the normal ones because of a yogurt substitute. Oh, and it’s sooo good!!

I’m gonna attempt a fat-free cheesecake soon, so I’ll let you know how that goes, but I added the recipe below! HAPPY WEEKEND!!

Recipe is courtesy of ALLRECIPES.COM

Recipe is courtesy of ALLRECIPES.COM

Taking a Greek yogurt break at Disney! lol

Taking a Greek yogurt break at Disney! lol



This scene is sponsored by FAGE®, but it was a real moment documented at our home;)



Hayden, what is your favorite thing to do with Mommy?


Um…what does that mean?


If you could do one thing with just mommy today, what would that be?


Let me show you.


Hayden takes his mother’s hand and leads her outside to the patio. Points to the outdoor couch.


Sit down right here. 

Mother sits.


Let’s eat oatmeal right here. With yogurt. 



Most weekdays, after his dad and brother leave, Hayden and I have our special moments. Sometimes eggs and toast, but more often than not, oatmeal. Even if we’re rushed, I grab an oatmeal packet (yes, I use instant often #busymom), boil water, cool if off with a large dollop of Greek yogurt and fruit. I think there’s lots of reasons he loves this. He gets to help me “make” it, even though it’s just combining a few ingredients. And I’ll have my coffee, he has milk. We cheers to the day, say our thanks and he talks. “Remember mommy? Remember yesterday when Hucky was here and….” 

If I grab my phone for something, he takes my face in his hands to let me know this is his time. I got that memo and honor that. Of course, we have moments all day everyday…books, learning our letters and walks and outdoor time and family time, etc. But I know he loves this breakfast time in the morning on the weekdays. It’s our love language. Sounds stereotypical that a boy’s love language is food…. starts early, I know! It may be more that toddlers like structure and habitual activities; Hayden is no exception. 

If you follow my stories, you’ve seen Hayden begging me for yogurt in the morning. It’s pretty funny how excited he gets over yogurt. Specifically FAGE® Greek cause that’s what we keep stocked. And that is actually an understatement… he and Huck beg for it for lunch and dinner, too. FAGE® is so creamy and rich in taste, it’s often dessert for our family. I appreciate FAGE® is Non-GMO Project Verified and all natural, no added sweeteners, no preservatives. All of FAGE®’s products are verified through the Non-GMO project, which offers the highest level of transparency about GMOs. I know exactly what -and what isn’t- going into my little boys’ bodies, and my body!


I incorporate yogurt in so many dishes. Substituting yogurt in a recipe can lower the fat substantially. From simple things like oatmeal (pictured here), to taco dinners, baked potato (my personal favorite), lasagna and obviously desserts (angel food cake - or biscuits- with FAGE® yogurt and strawberries. Name something better in life!). Scroll down for the recipes. Substituting Greek yogurt in many recipes lowers the sugar and raises the protein (and LOVE) for your family. You can use FAGE® plain to replace butter, sour cream, oil, shortening or milk! I keep FAGE® plain fat free yogurt in our fridge, as well as the 30% less sugar split cups. I also brought a bunch to the boys’ birthday party last weekend. I liked the option to have this for dessert for people that didn’t want to eat cake, but I did NOT expect them to all be eaten. Every single split cup was gone! 

So… if you’re a regular here on the blog, you’ve heard me talk about FAGE®- have you tried it yet? What recipes do you substitute in Greek yogurt? Would LOVE to hear.


Also, another fun summer idea I learned from FAGE®—- add yogurt to an icing dispenser. Squeeze the yogurt into the opening of raspberries, then let them freeze in the freezer to make frozen yogurt pockets!

See below for other recipes!

light yogurt lasagna
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Last week, I had the pleasure of hosting a fun day with Cali’Flour Foods. New and old friends joined to learn about cauliflower recipes, eat, pick out some jewelry and catch up with each other. It really was such a good girl gang that day!

I love friends from different parts of my life getting to come together and meet each other. I should add here that this post is not sponsored- I just enjoy sharing….PLUS I AM doing a GIVEAWAY in this post!!! And since we have all these fun photos,  I had to show off my friends;)

Top Row: Kaitlyn Villasuso and daughter, Kimberly J Brown, Angelique Cabral, Briana Cuoco, Chef Ameera, Amy Lacey, Chrissy Kling, Amy Davidson, Jessica Hall, Karen (Lisa’s friend), Caitlin Brandes (Friend of Jessica’s). Bottom Row: Kaylene DeVries, …

Top Row: Kaitlyn Villasuso and daughter, Kimberly J Brown, Angelique Cabral, Briana Cuoco, Chef Ameera, Amy Lacey, Chrissy Kling, Amy Davidson, Jessica Hall, Karen (Lisa’s friend), Caitlin Brandes (Friend of Jessica’s). Bottom Row: Kaylene DeVries, Lisa Breckenridge, me, Sarah Jane Morris, Virginia Williams, Nicole Levine, Casey Henricks.

Amy Lacey wrote CALI’FLOUR KITCHEN, a book all about cooking with cauliflower and incorporating her brand, Cali’Flour Foods. We wanted to try out some recipes (and add a southern flare cause, you know, your girl IS from Texas!). Chef Ameera graced us with her cooking and dropped some knowledge. One of the my favorite things she said was that food should inspire you to be the best version of yourself— and her food will. I thought about that later. It’s a simple concept, but what we put in our bodies DOES affect a lot: our moods, our digestion/nervous system, brain power, waistline and even affects levels of anxiety. The old saying we are what we eat holds some truth. 


So much of this blog is about healthy lifestyle choices, so it’s fun to bring another idea for you all to try and incorporate in your lives. I started enjoying Cali’Flour pizzas a while ago when I tasted them at an event. Then, I ordered some to try at home. We love the italian crust. I like to put it on this pizza stone the last few minutes so it gets extra crispy. IF YOU want to try it out, we are randomly picking from comments below to pass along a $50 gift certificate. Tell us why you’d love to try it for yourself or your family. One of the things I love about using their crusts or pasts? I sneak veggies in for the kids. Hayden and Huck happen to love mashed cauliflower, but it’s not the easiest to make sure they get a decent amount of vegetables everyday.

Amy wanted to heal herself from an autoimmune disorder- necessity is the mother of invention. This lead her to creating Cali’Flour foods. She shared her story with us while we (cried a little!) and munched on the awesomeness. 

Dessert Pizza was sooo good. I’m getting the recipe, so stay tuned!

Dessert Pizza was sooo good. I’m getting the recipe, so stay tuned!

Our friends from EmmaJ Jewelry set up a mini-shopping experience where the girls got to pick a piece to take home. Vitacups provided the afternoon pick-me up! (They would love you to try out their sample pack for free! Just pay shipping at $2.95!) ALSO… THEY ARE GIVING 30% OFF TO YOU. Code ASHLEYJ works on their site until May 25th. Yay!

And last but not least, everyone went home with my some Usana goodies. Anyone that’s followed along on this blog knows I’ve been a fan and often times ambassador of sorts, so I asked for some of my favorites to share with my friends. We went with the Booster C 600, Pure Rest and new pretty in pink water bottle.   Polkatots did the cutest dessert cupcakes and our dear friends at Bashful Rose did the arrangements!! (If you are in the area and need flowers, I’m telling you… it’s been almost a week and these haven’t even wilted!!!)

Also, for those wondering, the dress I’m wearing is great for summer! Per usual, I love the pockets! I slipped my Tight Lip’d gloss in there and my phone while I hosted. It’s also in the shop section (under boutique) on the blog.

Love this shot of our coffee booth with our COOKIE FISHY. Guess who named our fish? lol

Love this shot of our coffee booth with our COOKIE FISHY. Guess who named our fish? lol

These stunning arrangements from Bashful Rose graced the table.

These stunning arrangements from Bashful Rose graced the table.

Kaylene DeVries, owner of….see my bull ring???! It’s on her site now!

Kaylene DeVries, owner of….see my bull ring???! It’s on her site now!

POLKATOT cupcakes

POLKATOT cupcakes

Amy Lacey and I before the food was devoured.

Amy Lacey and I before the food was devoured.

Lisa Brekenridge, me, Virgina Williams, Sarah Jane Morris

Lisa Brekenridge, me, Virgina Williams, Sarah Jane Morris

My sister-in-law Casey Henricks, Actresses Kimberly Brown, Angelique Cabral, Briana Cuoco, Amy Davidson

My sister-in-law Casey Henricks, Actresses Kimberly Brown, Angelique Cabral, Briana Cuoco, Amy Davidson

I’m gonna throw a few other items from our gift bag goodies in the package! So seriously— leave a comment letting us know that you’d love to try Cauli’Flour foods and we’ll announce the winner (maybe 2?) this Saturday, May 4th. So, may the force be with you. LOL.



It’s March 1st! Happy National Nutrition Month! Last month, I wrote some posts on wellness; I’m happy to go into March with a few posts coinciding with nutrition. 

I wanna start with one of the basic six essential nutrients…. WATER. You may feel like I’m beating you over the head discussing water. I realize I’ve been talking about drinking enough water for basically the passed 6-12 months. I guess I’m not done! #sorrynotsorry (scroll all the way down for fun art on how to get more high water content foods in your diet!).

HM Importance of Water - 2019.png

Hayden is picking up on our habits— and I’m proud this good one he is choosing to copy. LOL. He loves saying, “I need more water, mommy,” while grabbing his bottle and stool and heading to turn on the filter. Little mess!! But so happy because I’ve read potty training is an incredibly important time to stay very well hydrated.

Yesterday, if you saw my post (here) I squeezed in a hard workout, drank a ton of water and felt so much better afterward. Less anxiety, more focused. I believe endorphins help greatly, but I also notice a distinct difference when I drink my water, specifically my filtered mineral water. The main difference is feeling more focused and energetic and grounded. It’s easy to forget the importance of water… but it only takes a headache or lots of anxiety to remind us.
I thought this was a perfect day to answer a few more of your questions that keep coming in about our Water Filter System! And I love it!! The main questions have been about the Home Master® Filters RO system Joel and I have. I also want to say the only thing I regret is waiting so long to get this. It has made our lives easier! If you’re on the fence, lemme know! I drink probably 25% more water now that I have this mineral water on tap.


What do you mean by “mineral water on tap?”

Great question! I kept asking Joel this, too. These Home Master® Filters are patented, advanced pH balanced water purification systems that ADD minerals back to your water two times during the process of purifying, hence, #MineralWaterOnTap.

Artesian Water Tastes Better - OFFICIAL6.png

Did we get upgrades?

I asked Joel to go over everything we got (I honestly just loved the mineral on tap at my sink, I didn’t know every little thing Joel did, but I’m learning!). YES, we got the loaded package which Joel strongly recommends. 

The Loaded version adds:

1. Luxury Standard Brushed Nickel RO Faucet

2. Fridge Connection Kit

3. Dow Filmtec High-Performance RO membrane (75 GPD)

4. Permeate Pump

Customers can pick and choose what they want for upgrades and/or choose a different faucet from our Faucet Line here: HERE as well via our Home Master Reverse Osmosis System Products Page.

For more information regarding our Home Master Upgrades visit here.

HM Loaded Package - OFFICIAL.png

Can I just buy the refrigerator kit? 

Yes - you can install a Home Master® RO System and connect it solely to the refrigerator. You simply have to purchase a Home Master® Refrigerator Connection Kit, and also cap off the line going to the faucet with an additional 3/8 inch inline ball valve. All of which are available right on the company website.

What if I want hot and cold water at my #MineralWaterOnTap filter (like ours at the kitchen sink)?

YES! I hear you and I feel you! This is our next upgrade. And it is possible, affordable and doesn’t take up much space.

Check out the Chiller Daddy (hilarious name and you won’t forget it!) and the Hot Tank that would easily fit under our sink.


You can purchase the Waterstone™ Hot Tank to add to your Home Master® drinking water filtration system for instant hot tea, coffee, instant soup, water with lemon in the morning, etc!  When you purchase the Waterstone™ Hot Tank, you will need to purchase one of the four Hot/Cold Waterstone™ Water Filtration Faucets.

  1. Parche

  2. Hampton

  3. Annapolis

  4. Pembroke

 Hot/Cold Faucets will come with a secondary lever. One lever for cold water, the other for hot water.


You can add the Chiller Daddy®, a compact undersink water chiller to your Home Master® RO system to provide you and your family with chilled purified water! The Chiller Daddy® is compatible with any of the Home Master® Water Filtration Faucets.

Hot Water & Cold Water - OFFICIAL.png

QUESTIONS? So much info here!! Please leave any thoughts or concerns in the comments below. If you can, tune into our Q & A live next week (scheduled for 10:30am PT on facebook and I’ll be chiming in on instagram live, too. Home Master will be on there with us helping answer questions). Home Master® Filters and I will make sure all your questions are answered. You can also contact HomeMaster at 1-877-693-7873. Tell them I sent you and you will get free shipping and a second year filter free on your RO system. 

Or use codes ASHLEY for free shipping and free second year filter ON YOUR RO SYSTEM. Or ASHLEY2019 on your whole house system!

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CANCER PREVENTION #realtalk today


Continuing with the health and wellness series, I want to thank the American Cancer Society for sponsoring this discussion about cancer prevention. This is all my own #realtalk, but trying my best to bring positivity to this heavy topic.

A bump in my breast led to being slightly cut open for a surgical biopsy. I was very young. Too young to know about cancer yet. I don’t recall that much about it, although I remember the look on my mother’s face when she was listening to the doctor. It was a scare, a benign fibrocystic lump. But something about that time stuck in my mind forever.

Fast forward to my twenties when a dermatologist dramatically reacted to moles on my body. And more biopsies happened. I have long, deep scars from the scares that time. And although my parents taught me a lot about protecting and taking care of myself, this series of tests really woke me up. I started reading more about prevention and taking some big steps. I slather on sunscreen and have never gone near a tanning bed again. 

It seems I hear way too often that someone is going through chemo. Or was diagnosed with name it. These people have their lives changed in an instant. The thing about cancer is this: it does not discriminate. It affects any race, any way, at any time. But, the more knowledgeable we are, we can actively work to try and prevent it to some degree. 

There’s so much we cannot control with the unknowns of cancer, but if we can make small daily changes, it definitely won’t hurt and very well might greatly help. Approximately 42% of cancer cases and 45% of cancer deaths in the United States each year that are linked to modifiable risk factors, thus potentially being preventable. Those statistics woke me up! February is world cancer prevention month. It’s a great time to gently remind those we love of little habits we can implement to change our world...and BE GOOD TO OURSELVES, too. Any regulars here know I’m all about clean living. DOESN’T MEAN I DO IT EVERYDAY. I try. I’m not a doctor (even though I'm Dr. Bridget Forrester on B&B;), but I have the privilege of meeting with specialists that lead me in the right direction.

I bet you could write the below on your own. However, it never hurts to be nudged. I just took a break from writing this to refill my water bottle and go walk on the treadmill because all this is reminding me of the benefits. You all help me stick to my regimen, too. It’s so easy to get lazy; accountability helps. 




I got my first mammogram last year. It’s already time to get my next one. I’ve been avoiding scheduling the appointment, but I’ll do it today. Will you?  Screening and early detection of certain types of cancer is paramount. If you’re feeling something is off anywhere or if you have a question, please, talk to your doctor. And even if there’s not a question, talk to your doctor about what screenings are best for you. PLEASE. 


Quitting smoking is not easy, but you can do it. To have the best chance of quitting and staying quit, you need to know what you’re up against, what your options are, and where to go for help. Check out a great source here at



Diet: what are we putting in our bodies food and drink related (if it’s not pure water)? High calorie foods, regular consumption of alcohol, and processed foods are not wise choices. We know we should be eating more whole foods: fruits and vegetables high in anti-oxidants, limit processed foods.  My boys love going to our local farmer’s market. I remember blogging about it last year and loved reading your responses about your local markets — those that have access to one.



Exercise. Yep. Yep. Just do it. I try to get in at MINIMUM 3 hours a week. I’ll be honest, before Hayden, I was a 6 day a week girl. I did the work. Now, it’s harder, so I get that life can take over. If we are trying to look like Cindy Crawford, we probably need to put in the time, but if we are trying stay healthy and work at preventing cancer, a little goes a long way. 150 moderate minutes a week, or 75 high intensity minutes will fit the bill. (And when I make time to do this, I feel like I’m floating afterward. The natural endorphins seriously kick in.) If you’re following my stories, you often see me participating in yoga. I love the intensity and principles of yoga.



SUNSHINE I love it. I need it. I live near the beach for it. A little goes A LONG WAY. My family and I are so used to slathering sunscreen all over us, my kids know the drill, even thought Hayden hates it. Appreciate the sun and all its Vitamin D benefits and mental health benefits, but don’t worship it. Our skin cannot take the heat, so to speak. Even in cloudy, snowy climates— wear your sunscreen. And your sunglasses; protect your eyes! Just a reminder that the top of our heads, hands and tops of our feet need protecting, too. Hats, glasses, enjoying the sun IN THE SHADE, and sunscreen protect us. Give your whole body the love of protection. You all know I’m pale. If you ever see me tan, it’s spray or makeup. The real me is as white as Capser the friendly ghost.

Joel loves picking a shady spot wherever we go.

Joel loves picking a shady spot wherever we go.

I sincerely appreciate and praise those that share their own stories with cancer. I followed the hashtag #worldcancerday and broke into tears. It isn’t fair.

BE GOOD TO YOURSELF. Love life. Visit the American Cancer Society’s website for more tips. Don’t forget to share this post with those you love as a gentle reminder. And will you share with us in comments what you’re doing for yourself for disease and cancer prevention? We can continue to encourage each other.

xox AJH


Continuing the new wellness series with this post supported by FAGE yogurt. In full disclosure, we have been a FAGE family for a long time. This partnership just makes sense to spread our love and we hope to continue to partner with more awesomeness in the future.

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What’s in MY fridge?

It’s the middle of winter. Whether you’re in Arizona’s 69 degree weather, or you’re in the snowstorm in the northeast freezing or here in California where it’s been raining, it’s winter. And this, my friends, is an excellent time to start our spring cleaning preparation of mind, BODY and space. Last year, I embarked on a wellness series with y’all and enjoyed it. I feel like we’ve already started with all the “drinking more water” talk. And I’m not gonna let down on that..reminding myself to drink more clean water everyday.

Today, I’m continuing the topic with healthy food choices. So many of you ask me what I make for dinner, or what I’m feeding my kiddos. I also get asked if I EVEN make dinner or what I heat up that’s frozen! VALID, I’ll admit! Any parent in the world has to figure out food for their family—a normal question, albeit a DREADED ONE. Anytime I have the opportunity to ask friends and get new ideas— you bet I do! 


Today is a busy day. It’s raining in LA and I have appointments. So, I threw chicken in the slow cooker with salsa as a base. Later when it’s time for dinner, I’ll shred it, add a bit of yogurt, yes, FAGE (read benefits of greek yogurt from HEALTHLINE here), low-fat cheese, cilantro, and roll it into a burrito and voila! When I got home, I gave Hayden a FAGE Total Split Cup yogurt container. We have been eating yogurt a lot. FAGE reduced the sugars in FAGE Total Split Cups (fruit varieties) by 30%!! From 16-17g down to 11g per serving! That’s incredible sugar cutting with no artificial sweetners. I love nothing more than to feel like I’m giving my family GOOD, whole foods that help their bodies function properly and fight off sickness.

And for ME!

Who can relate to this? Whatever I give the kids or my husband, I usually give a portion to myself. Or at least take bites here and there. So, if our snacks or dinner are really fatty (which we went through a phase), I take those bites. Then, I would also eat my dinner later. I have gained a bit of weight (different topic) but am working to makeover our family lifestyle. We are committed to good food, organic or all-natural as much as possible, locally grown, etc, but then my husband still loves melted cheese all over chips. Or brownies. Or muffins. (okay, fine, I like those things, too!). I know there’s a balance, so when I can offer lower calorie, lower sugar snacks, I will. More nuts, fruits and yogurts, or yo-guns, as Hayden calls them. My husband loves FAGE and the individual split cups were easy to tote for the kids.  If we go to the Huntington Gardens (a regular activity when it’s nice outside), I throw a few packages in my backpack with some mixed nuts and a banana. I keep them in stock for my own pre/post workout snack. If I’m leaving the house for auditions and meetings, I have one with me. I can park, read over my lines and eat a high protein snack. The probiotics are healthy for our digestion and fighting toxins in our bodies, too.  The benefits run deep!


One thing I love about FAGE Total Split Cup packages is that you add the fruit component. So, I control how much I put in. I can add a few nuts, a few spoonfuls of the fruit component and mix it together. AHHH so good. I also mix the two components in oatmeal most mornings. Hayden and Huck LOVE it.  Even if I do make low fat blueberry muffins for the kids, instead of butter, we spread FAGE.

What’s in YOUR Fridge?

Check out recipes idea here under the “recipe” section at the top! Their sweet potato toast pictured below looks amazing, so does the Macaroni and Cheese!


Now, it’s YOUR turn. What’s in your fridge? What are you making for dinner? gimme ideas! Any new things with Greek yogurt;)? Would love to hear about it in the comments below or on my latest post on social media!