Actress, Lifestyle writer, Mother

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I am moving. Literally and figuratively moving things around in life. Right in the middle of it, actually. If you’re on instagram, you might have seen stories? During the hardest time of my whole life, my friends have brought some lightness and laughter. There have been many days I didn’t think I’d laugh for a very long time. The first day of moving, I was ill. Literally, sick. 

I had to take it one hour at a time. Reminding myself to breathe and pray and know that “this too shall pass.”

Now, I have my belongings in the new home and am feeling a bit “heavy.” I don’t need to keep carrying all this STUFF! Some things bring joy, as we hear Marie Kondo saying, but I’m looking around and realizing so many things carry memories that do not serve me any more. I need LIGHT. Lightness. SPACE. 

I’m taking a cue from the leaves right now. That bittersweet saying that I’ve mentioned before,


I think this is the perfect season to pull out your sweaters, but also look at what’s being unnecessarily stored? Emotionally and physically, what have you been carrying that would feel SO GOOD TO LET GO? It’s counterintuitive and beautifully ironic that letting go of something is such a gift to yourself.

Today I feel lighter than yesterday. I thank God for that. I thank God for my family. My friends. And all of YOU. WOW. DO I have a support system as deep as the Grand Canyon? I am forever grateful. I have a list of blog ideas I want to share with you all when I have time. One of them is all that I have learned from the seriously STRONG, bada$$ women in my life during this time. What other topics are you interested in seeing here? Anybody miss the fashion posts?

Deciding what I’m gonna do with some of the pieces that mean a bit more to me than others? Like stuff I wore to the Emmys or Bridget’s stuff from Bold and Beautiful that I’ve held onto? Maybe I’ll do a giveaway here? Or auction for charity? 

See this gallery in the original post