My little pumpkin is 5 months now. I just hope and pray I am making the most of every moment we have with this angel. Five months is a special time because their little personalities really develop. People keep telling me each phase gets better than the next, but I don't see how I could fall more in love than I already am. But, then tomorrow comes and my heart grows.

Hayden was two weeks old in the picture right above. I didn't sleep even an hour the night before that shot was taken. (For new moms: click here to read about that emotional time breastfeeding and adjusting). As I've said before, the days and nights were long, but the weeks and months (and years) are short. 

I've been trying to jot down something every day that Hayden does so I can add it to the baby book. Speaking of a baby book, I'm not in love with the one I have. Does anyone have a book that they love? I'd appreciate ideas, especially if it's easily found online! One thing that my friend Ali (Fedotowsky) has recommended and I implemented is the 10 year journal you can find HERE. I also just ordered this one: Mom's one line a day. 

My dear, creative friend Michele Bell (check out her holiday insta with elf on the shelf) gave us a great idea for keeping up with memories. She got each of her kids an email account when they were born with their name (which also is great for them to have in the future!). She sent the email address to her family so they could write a note or add pictures whenever it was convenient for them to do so. What an amazing way to keep up with letters from friends and family over the years! Then, she plans on making a book of them all to give to the kids when they are older. It's priceless, literally and figuratively!!

Do any of you have other ideas to share? Please do so! 

Sharing some of our favorite and useful items that Hayden loves (and Mommy & Daddy love, too).  The Merlin Sleep Suit has been one of our must haves. I received it as a hand me down before the baby was born. I had no idea what it was. I thought it was winter ski suit and figured we would not be going skiing anytime soon! Little did I know, it was one of the more useful tactics for sleeping. And the vibrating BounceRoo from 4Moms stays on our kitchen table a lot! It's perfect for Hayden to get to chill while I'm working in the part of the house. It's not heavy, so can easily be moved from room to room.  Scroll through to see a glimpse of some of our other favorites from toys to teething to decor to the activity bouncy gym (that he LOVES). 




You have changed our lives, little Hayden. The most perfect little being is here now... a different kind of love I have never known.  I can't believe we have been home from the hospital 4 days already.  I want to write and share our joy, but he's needing me right more very soon. xo

June 5, 2016

I wrote that 6 days ago.  I've been meaning to get back to this every day, but the adjustment period is intense!  Of course, Hayden is worth every single minute of it.  It's the most challenging and rewarding time of our lives.  See the gallery below of our first few days together.  I'll be adding more, too.



If I ever worried starting a family later in life would be lonely, last weekend took those thoughts away completely. On Saturday, my sweet girlfriends, Kaley Cuoco and Marisa Coughlan, hosted a safari- themed high tea baby shower for me. (It was a wonderland- read post HERE) I'll be writing and posting about not only what an emotionally charged and memorable day it was, but also how this past weekend transformed my perspective on this stage in pregnancy. 

Then, on Sunday, we celebrated Ali Fedotowsky's little BabyManno.  


There is truly a baby boom going on around me.  On top of Amy Davidson just welcoming little Lennox Sawyer Lockwood to the world, Marisa is pregnant and due the same day that I am! It seems like Haylie Duff just had Ryan (although she's almost a year old!). My girlfriend Kara Holden's son just recently turned one. And longtime friends Bill Horn and Scout Masterson (aka "The Guncles") still have a kiddo in diapers. My former castmate, Adrienne Frantz, welcomed Amelie just four months ago... Kaley's longtime bestie, Katie Diaz, has three little ones, the youngest under one. I'm telling you- there's something in the water.  And this is just the LA tribe. I've got cousins having babies, friends from high school who still have kids in diapers.... 

Yesterday, Kaley texted Lacey and me a pictures of the three of us saying "flanked by preggers."  Lacey jokingly responded,, "watch out- it's contagious."  Kaley and Bri- what incredible troopers you have both been to be surrounded by so much baby talk! Thank you for your patience with us!!

ps- I'll be posting about the tricks I've figured out with #maternitystyle, but one of them is ruching... this dress I'm wearing has it in the front and subtly in the back. Helps me feel much more comfortable.