Mother's Day Out

My mother recently came in town last week  (thank the Lord) to help while I went back to work filming GENERAL HOSPITAL- check back for more info in a post soon.  Hayden turned one month old.  Read more HERE about the reality of the first month.  We managed to have one outing together with the baby.  We were on a mission to finish the nursery (I can't wait to share it all with you!).  


I'm wearing my first ever NURSING topI didn't think I'd need or want one, but let me tell you, when it came time to feed Hayden, it was so nice to simply unzip each side and discretely nurse.  I haven't had the easiest road this first month with breastfeeding, so things that make it easier are welcomed!

Plus, I got several compliments on my "adorable" top - with pockets!  It's flattering without being too tight (I'm wearing an XS and there's still room). It comes in red, too. I'm picturing wearing this again in the spirit of 4th of July  with these sandals and white shorts - maybe a red purse! This day, I added my favorite go-to Ippolita silver Earrings to dress up the look with flats and jeans.



NO MORE CRYING OVER SPILLED MILK! What items are saving me (and my milk)!

UPDATE: AUGUST 2020. I hope this helps even one of you out there! I am so grateful I was able to have this time with Hayden and give him breastmilk. I also supplemented on occasion because I didn’t produce enough for his growing body. That combination worked for us. But, I spent so much time feeling guilty I wasn’t producing more. I look back and just wish I could have celebrated all the milk I did produce that fed his healthy body (there was a lot!). It’s easy to feel inadequate during this time and please do not fall into that trap! If you are reading this and have a baby, I hope you have a support system at home that builds you up and does not tear you down. If you don’t have that, there are groups online for new moms. You are doing great, mama!! Fed is best!! Whatever that looks like for you and your baby.

If you’re a new mom or know a new mom and have any questions, please leave them here. If I don’t have the answers, I will do my best to get them.


First of all, I'm grateful I can breastfeed. I know it's a privilege. I treasure this time with Hayden. His little hand patting my chest. The way he looks up at me…the sweetest feeling mixed with such an overwhelming feeling of responsibility.

It's been an incredibly challenging, emotional roller coaster. Sleep deprivation is a real thing! However, I know I will never regret all the effort I am putting into this. Although it hasn't even been a month, there are a few key materials I wish SO MUCH I had utilized from day one in the hospital. I'm back to work today on the soap. These products have helped me save extra milk for Hayden. This is simply my experience... I'm obviously not a doctor (even though I play on one on B&B- ha!), so do your own research and find what is best for you. 

First off, I've had issues. I'll write more in another post for those that are curious of my experience, but to spare you the morbid details, I'll just say my nipples got so raw, I couldn't breastfeed. I was still pumping, but it hurt. Badly. Excruciatingly bad. Finally, I listened to my mother and bought breast shields. Immediately, I was able to go back to breast feeding with Hayden.  It doesn't take away all the pain, but it lessens it by about 75%.  (***Please note: before you use these, do your own research. I truly believe they can help temporarily, but over time, could lessen your supply of milk. Don’t rely on it too long!)

I’m also using Milk Savers.  I really want to produce and save milk, it crushes me to see wasted milk in breast pads or dripping down my clothes.  When I would nurse on one breast, the other one would leak quite a bit. These would've saved me  a ton of grief, pain and spilled milk!  You know the saying... no sense crying over spilled milk? Well, let me tell you. I've shed a few tears over wasting this precious liquid gold.  Every girlfriend (nursing or about to try nursing) I have told about this product wants it!

While the Milk Savers are great while I'm nursing or even around the house, I am using breast shells inside my nursing bra occasionally between feedings. They collect excess milk and it can really add up. (TIP: if you use the lids with ventilation at the top, be careful when you lean over--- it will spill out!!). This is an easy way to collect milk when you aren't feeding or pumping. Plus, at least for my situation, it protects the nipples while they are healing.  I really used them mainly for that. I didn't love collecting milk in them.

Below, I rounded up the products that have helped me the most with breastfeeding.  I added my favorite nursing bra, too. I'm still in shock how quickly they get messed up and need washing... one minute the girls are all good and the next... oops! We're leaking! Anyhow, check it out... and please--- this takes a village, if there are products you highly recommend, PLEASE leave a comment. And let’s go drink more water and eat all the good things. xo


It's been three weeks since Hayden was born! I'm writing this at 4:30 am in between feedings. It's ironic that as sleep deprived as I am, sometimes I can't sleep! But, good news for y'all because I'm sharing my latest and greatest find for summer.  

I could not be more obsessed with this top.  It's "on trend" right now with the off the shoulder aspect, however it's also a piece I will wear for years. Stripes are not only slimming, but classic.  I'll wear it with white shorts or skinny jeans for summer events. (How perfect for a upscale 4th of July event? Or even just with flip-flops and shorts for a picnic). I wore it for a photo shoot two days ago and had to keep it/buy it!  The top is cleverly reversible, allowing for several different looks-- it's worth the investment. 

Above is a shot of it tied in the back. It's both classy and flirty with the off the shoulder aspect. If you tie it in the front, with higher waisted pants or shorts, you don't have to reveal too much skin.

ps- comes in solid white, too. And notice the white cuffs if you decide to roll the end of the sleeve up. 

HOSPITAL SHORT, the items I should have had in the hospital!

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I packed my bag at the last minute.  I'm glad I managed to get a few necessities thrown in.  I've been talking to my girlfriends that are about to follow suit (read about it all under written blog) and made a list for them, so I thought I should share with anyone else in the same boat! 


Chic, comfortable pajamas to wear are key  (hospital garb may be functional, but it's heinous, let's face it).  You're going to want functional AND something that is pretty. These come with matching outfits for baby and a robe (with pockets!). Read more about why I chose these HERE.


I was pumped with a ton of fluid during labor and post labor.  If you're anything like me, it can take a few days for the swelling to go down.  I should have worn these socks more than I did. Once I got home, my ankles and legs were really swollen. These on-trend chevron and striped socks  (come in different colors) with no-slip tops provide compression to reduce minor swelling and foot fatigue, while cushioned soles and arch support pamper soles.  

3) LOTION for YOU and BABY

The hospital can be dry and cold.  It was so nice to have lotion for my own skin that I could also feels safe using on Hayden. Even if I didn't use it on him, I didn't want what I used to rub off on him if it wasn't safe for baby. This smells just like you want a baby to smell... so divine.

4) Cozy Shoes

I came in tennis shoes.  So glad I brought my own house shoes to wear as I walked around the hospital (which they encourage you to do occasionally).   I attest, they really are comfy.  

5) Miscellaneous Items...THAT WE FORGOT!

*coins or dollar bills for vending machines *extension cord and chargers (so your phone won't be charging across the room!)    *pen and paper for notes   *protein bars or favorite snacks  *nail file  *hair brush *bar soap*hair bands  *hair dryer (I never used one, but some do)  *portable wireless speaker if you want music from your phone *lanolin for the breasts  

OTHER ITEMS I'M GLAD I  DID HAVE:  *facial wipes  *deodorant *makeup bag *lipbalms and easy to apply lipsticks



It's #throwbackthursday and I'm already feeling like time is going by too fast with the little man. I started looking at pictures while I was still pregnant. Once I got over the fact that 9 days ago Hayden was still inside me, I realized how these NON maternity dresses and tops are going to be fun to continue to wear all summer. And some are on sale---Like the purple dress I love-- 40% off for $30!! Click on photo to shop the outfit, or shop the post at bottom.

What's in my (HOSPITAL) bag?

I procrastinated until the last minute to pack our hospital bags. I kept putting it off for some reason. I guess I kept believing I had more time than I actually did. As my due date approached, I convinced myself I would go way passed that day.  But, the night before I went into labor, I had the weirdest feeling and began to pack a bag.... And the main thing I'm so glad I remembered to add are these pajamas!

It was so nice to have cute, seriously comfortable pajamas that doubled as "outfits" as visitors popped by.  I can't tell you how many compliments I got these two sets...and full disclosure, I washed and wore them constantly the days that followed once we got home.  I loved how they made me feel a little more put together than I actually was/am!  The fabrics felt so nice to cuddle up little Hayden our first night in the hospital, too. These two sets come with robes (with pockets!) and nursing tops, bottoms and matching gown and cap for baby. I can't think of a better gift to get or give someone going into the hospital (or going home with a new baby). 

                                                            See?--- wearing the nursing top and bot…

                                                            See?--- wearing the nursing top and bottoms here! 

Prints Charming!

I love a good print. Especially one that pops (pun intended- re:baby) and makes me happy. The pink color and palm design make me feel like leaving for a vacation, which I won't be doing any time soon, so it's fun to pretend and let my mind wonder.  (Although, this IS non-maternity, so I'll be wearing it this summer and will definitely bring it on our first vacation post baby). It's longer in the back, which I love to cover my backside. Once I start working out again, I think this would double as a cute coverup over a bathing suit, too.  It come in other colors AND a maxi dress!

I've paired it with white bottoms, a statement necklace (that blends well here and looks amazing against this black and white printed top, too!)

...and some kitchy, incredibly affordable sunglasses for under $18 in both pictures!

Baby Blues!

I mentioned a while back I was wearing more blue lately. Kinda funny, I know my friends pregnant with girls have been wearing more in the pink family. For a recent family picture (for the blog I'm writing on, I wore- yes, blue. Non-maternity & comfortable and under $100, this is a great summer style. I love the solid lace back (comes in other colors, too). It shows just enough skin, but still keeps plenty to the imagination. For added fun, I threw on my new favorite heart sunnies (at $16, who can resist!).

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At 39 weeks pregnant and counting, I debated if I had the energy to venture out today, but some things are worth the sacrifice. Step Up Womens Network is one of them (read more about the event and see other pictures here!). I went back to my trusted, comfy tank dress (that comes in tons of colors- I'm wearing an XS-- I wore the purple version - and a few other styles HERE). Plus, I add in extra support and confidence with maternity spanx.  I wore these heels only on the red carpet (pictured below) and then quickly slipped into my fold up, go to flats that fit in my purse and save my feet, completely worth the money. 

Charming Charlie was one of the main sponsors of the charitable event... Ali and I sported a few of their pieces. Ali's wearing one of their maxi dresses (under $35) and several pieces of jewelry-- and I love her purse/clutch. It's only $25! I think I'll be ordering that one. I was excited to wear these fun (incredibly affordable) earrings!

 Ali (32 weeks pregnant here) and I took a few pregnant pictures together in the press line.

 Ali (32 weeks pregnant here) and I took a few pregnant pictures together in the press line.

I just started timing my contractions on the way home with my girlfriends...(more on that here). My husband is texting me demanding I get my hospital bag together! I can't believe we're in the last days.... better go get it together. 


Weddings and Showers and Summer Parties

It seems we've entered the birthday/wedding/shower season and there's no end in site.  Last weekend was packed with events.  Although I can't go to everything for obvious reasons, I am trying to not to be a hermit! And it's nice to be comfortable (I wore flats during the day!), but still in something bright and cheery.  I want to write more (and I know some of you think I'm not looking very big, so I'm gonna post side pictures later!), but heading out to another doctor's appointment. Final stages--- it seems I'm always in that office now!

JUMPSUIT? Pregnant?! Um... YES! Read WHY!

JUMPSUIT? Pregnant?! Um... YES! Read WHY!

No baby news, yet. He's still content in my tummy. So, I'm trying to stay relaxed at 9 1/2 months pregnant.  This jumpsuit I'm sporting in the picture (read more to see the lookbook of high to low pricing options) must be the most comfortable thing I've ever put on... better than PJs. It'll be added to my list of staples for the next pregnancy (eek! Lord willing, but, I know, let's get through this one first!)

Read More

The LIST Part Two

The list of my pregnancy staples is growing, so I'm breaking it down into parts. Read Part One HERE -- and scroll down for more!

5) Crisp White Shirt

Don't we find this on EVERY list of staples? I swear, InStyle magazine has this as a must have for every season, every year. 

Well, there's a reason it ends up on so many essentials list. The white shirt (I'm wearing in the picture for this post) by IsabellaOliver keeps an outfit modern, fresh. It's incredibly versatile. Works over leggings, jeans, skirts.  Wear it with leggings and converse or with jeans (see Part One) and booties. You will look put-together. And let me tell you, being this pregnant, it's hard for me to feel put together.  

 6) Leggings

I've live in leggings in general... yoga pant type leggings. I didn't subscribe to needing a pair of maternity until recently, though. Once I hit the 3rd trimester, my girlfriends kept telling me how much I'd love real pair of maternity leggings. Ali Fedotowsky loves hers and preached how much I needed a pair. I must say, once I put them on, I was sold.  Leggings are a must have. 

7) Face Wipes

The further along I get into pregnancy, the more I'm less likely to be diligent about my skincare. At the very least, I've promised myself to remove all my makeup, pollution, sunscreen etc. So, I keep facial wipes with me in my car and by my bed. Most of the time, I enjoy the full nighttime routine of taking off the day and preparing my skin to relax. But, just in case I'm about to fall asleep (happening more and more), I can at least do something.  I have a feeling these will be on my "new mom" list of survivals, too.  I also have stocked up on THESE and the ones below.

The LIST - Part One

I wish someone had just made me get the items on this list from the get-go. But, here I am well into the 9th month and still figuring out the necessities.  I've been asked several times about my "essentials" of pregnancy, so I thought I'd begin a list: a compilation of things I know I will have at the start line for the next baby, Lord willing. These are products/wardrobe pieces I found through trial and error, suggested through friends or purchased myself. Please understand these are opinions I'm revealing based on my own finds.  Always consult your doctor with anything that could affect your pregnancy or personal health. 

1) Sunscreen and Skincare.

I've been using IS Clinical Sunscreen. It's paraben free.  I try to slather it on as much as possible to prevent hyper pigmentation and sensitivity to the sun during pregnancy (and in general).  The brand's Active Serum has been a must have pre- pregnancy for me. I've been using it again to keep breakouts at bay, as my doctor feels it's safe for where I am in my pregnancy. Please consult your OB to figure out what's best and within your comfort zone. I'm also a fan of multi-tackers. Coola Suncare Makeup Setting Spray and SPF 30 is great to keep on hand. Just remember, whatever brand you choose- wear your sunscreen!


2) Stretch Mark Oil

I've used a few different ones throughout the pregnancy.  One thing I didn't understand: I should have started using something the day I found out I was pregnant.  No need to wait till the belly, thighs and buns start to grow. 

These are my favorites.  The Mama Mio is a cult classic. People rave about it the results of it. The cream does peel slightly, so I recommend the oil. My favorite smell was the Mama Bear Lavender Oil.  It dries quickly and without residue. I end up rubbing it all over sometimes- from neck to toes! And I like the Basq Resilient Oil. I like that it's a spray and easy to apply and absorbs nicely. So far, I haven't developed any stretch marks, but I am watching my backside and thighs closely.  I feel like these last few weeks I need to be on top of things, not slacking.  I'm getting so tired at night, it's easy to want to skip steps. ps- I added one very affordable option with Palmers Cocoa Butter. I haven't used this during my pregnancy, but I have heard it works well.  Not everything needs to be such an investment.


3) Maternity Undergarments- ON SALE RIGHT NOW! 

I wear them for work to smooth out the bump (because I was/am playing a character that isn't pregnant), but I also wear them to add a little confidence to my confidence to wear fun knit and jersey fabric body- hugging dresses like these. Even if we don't really need them to "look" better, I like the feel of the support for my belly and back.


4) Favorite Jeans

I didn't want to own a pair of maternity jeans. I may have never bought them if I hadn't needed them for work and auditions. But, I must say, there are times you just want to wear cute jeans that look like jeans- not like what our moms wore when they were pregnant with us! Some of the items on this list are investment pieces  to last throughout the pregnancy (or multiple!) and even postpartum.  

outfit details below... 

Stay tuned for Part Two of The List. And any words of wisdom, tidbits, funny thoughts, etc.- leave a note!



Finding what works for you...

Maternity wear is tricky... finding what works for your body and comfort level is crucial. Once I find a style that works, I  stick with it. And I'll wear it over and over. The dresses that are ruched tend to work well with my growing belly (here is one I own - pictured with Ali Fedotowsky at her shower if you scroll down below---you'll wear over and I love all the color choices! And, I add maternity spanx.  It's fun looking back wearing the same dress, watching the belly grow as the weeks go by. Also, textured dresses that camouflage a few areas have been great, like the one I wore (again, scroll down below) to the Milk and Bookies event recently.  What I've noticed is that these don't just work for me, but my other pregnant girlfriends are loving them, too. Take the picture directly below, for instance.  Lacey (how darling and gorgeous is she here!!) and I are wearing the same ruched Ellis tank dress... she is doing the whole black and white theme! I've been drawn to more color recently (Ali and I both own this dress in blue, as well), but loved the black on Lacey so much, I went and got that one, too. I must say, the fabric on the these thicker dresses is phenomenal. You may pay a bit more, but it's worth it. I like the "supported" feeling the fabric gives the bump.  ps- Yes, that's adorable Amy Davidson that recently gave birth! She has been wearing the ruched dresses postpartum. I love knowing these cute tank dresses will work all summer as non-maternity, too.

I've tried so many, here is a round up of some of my favorites below.

SALES!! get fun summer pieces before they sell out!


I was 6 months pregnant here in this photo wearing this cheerful deco print combo- NOT maternity (30% of the SALE price now HERE). It's harder to tell from the front, but from the side, there was a baby bump! TODAY there's 30% everything storewide- check it out.

This was taken on our baby moon. I was 7 months here. But, so glad I have this NON MATERNITY halter to wear once the baby arrives. And now, it's under $50. It will sell out quickly, so check it out. 

Ok- this dress has limited quantities left as of now. Although it's not on sale, it's only $52. I love the comfort, the pockets, the ease of this dress. And I'm wearing it with flip-flops, but how cute with strappy wedges for a nighttime summer party. Before I tried it on and loved the fit, I was sold on the color. I'm a purple person. Again it's not maternity, I just went up a size. Below is just a iPhone shot in the mirror. 

shop the post below!

Note: some prices are not reflected until you click link/picture. You'll see the sale price on the merchant's website! Note: not all items are on sale, but I linked the items that go with the post. Happy shopping.



Pinking Ahead! (and obsessed with this dress)

Okay, kitschy title, but seriously am obsessed with this dress. And brightening up my wardrobe. I wear a lot of black and neutrals running errands and working out, and at this stage in the pregnancy marathon, I'm not exactly having a SundayFunday at the beach getting tan. My skin is fairly pale (ok- pastey Elmer's glue white).  It's nice to wear color that pops and makes me feel pretty.

 If you're reading other blog posts, I don't think it's a big secret that I've been wearing spanx occasionally. But, yesterday, I went down a red carpet feeling perfectly fine NOT wearing any because of this dress material (comes in different colors, too- if you try the white, lemme know!). The textured stretchy dress works well with keeping certain things discreet. I played with my stepson (who insisted on being in the picture above!) at the MILK+BOOKIES event (like had a serious dance party, sat at a kids' table coloring, sat on a bean bag, etc.) and the dress remained comfortable. I think I'll buy it another color. oh and Ps- I am wearing the xs. It was a bit snug, but stayed in place. This may be a good dress to read reviews, but at this price and free shipping, I'm telling you it's worth a try. Plus, I read plenty of women are wearing them during "transitioning" from prenatal to postpartum and beyond. The fabric is such that it would work way after pregnancy, so  I'm pinking ahead. Ha! Again, lemme know if you give it a try!

pps- tried out a few makeup tricks I learned from the video I did with Celebrity Makeup Artist Jamie Greenberg: TUTORIAL HERE. The products are below. The Makeup Fix is so affordable and kept my makeup totally in place for hours. I loved Kate's nude lipstick; I layered it with a pink gloss that kept it natural and complimented the dress.

AFFORDABLE BIRTHING MAKEUP VIDEO TUTORIAL with Celebrity Makeup Artist Jamie Greenberg

Watch Celebrity Makeup Artist Jamie Greenberg give me a tutorial on "how to look good while giving birth." It sounds like a joke (and we definitely laughed a lot), but it's for real. I highly doubt any of us will be concerned with our makeup while we're in the hospital, but this tactic applies to any big event in life where you could break a sweat and need a lasting makeup look (could've used some of these products for my shower!).  And we used ONLY drugstore, affordable makeup. I found some new favorites (LookBook below!). Watch and let us know your thoughts! And subscribe to her channel! 

Calling All Mom's to Be!! SUBSCRIBE to my page! So. You're 9 months pregnant and you're stressing over what last minute things you need for the baby! You don't have the time to worry about what makeup to pack in your hospital bag. Well don't worry, I've got you covered!!!

shop my favorites from the tutorial below! 


Today on INSTAGRAM, we are giving away a medley of surprises to pamper yourself or pass on to a deserving mother (or mom-to-be) for Mother's Day. Here are the details to enter:

* Follow @AshleyAubra on instagram and like the post

* For an extra added entries, tag a deserving friend or mom and/or subscribe to our newsletter here on the site on the sidebar to the right. (We do not inundate with emails!)

* Products Included are all full size: Philosophy Large Size Purity Facial Cleaner All in One, Colour Pop Creme Gel, Colour Pop Super Shock Cheek, Usana Sense Energizing shower gel, Basq Fresh Resilient body oil, Green EnveeBrazilian Orange and Litsea Body Lotion, Len Journo Hydra-Riche Hair Conditioner, Naked Princess No.1 Lip Treatment, Naked Princess Body Souflee, Milani Color Statement Nail Lacquer and Highlighter.

Giveaway Fineprint and Disclaimer required by law:

* Winner will be randomly selected and announced after the deadline of April 18th, 2016 (midnight Pacific time) and will be DM'd for mailing address/contact information, which will not be distributed or sold whatsoever, within 1 business day.  Winner will have 3 days to respond, or entry will then be forfeited and an alternate winner will be chosen.  If you choose to send us a picture or comment associated with being the winner of the giveaway, we reserve the right to feature it on our site with no payment attached. We reserve the right to use your instagram handle to announce if you are the winner. 

* Products are selected by our website team with no affiliation to to the companies. By entering the giveaway, you release Ashley Jones and from any liability whatsoever and waive any and all causes of action, related to any claims, costs, injuries, losses or damages of any kind associated with the giveaway or delivery or acceptance and satisfaction of the products associated in the giveaway (including, but not limited to claims, costs, injuries, death, damage to or destruction of property, rights of publicity or privacy, defamation, and negligence).