Flashing Back this Friday for Upcoming Holidays (and for SHOPBOP sale alert!) xo

This was one of my favorite dresses to wear when I was pregnant and figuring out what worked best for me! See my original post about it HERE. I recently discovered it's available for the holidays in four gorgeous colors: pink, black, white and navy. I love color, but really love it in winter white. This is the type of strong, stretchy, textured material I could wear even now post-baby. I'll let you know if I decide to go white. ps- it's under $100 and if you are a SHOPBOP addict it's part of their MAINEVENT16 sale!  I have more to add...check back in later today. Off to work and bringing baby, wish me luck!

Effortless & Extremely Budget Friendly Pieces (under $30!)

Left to my own devices, I would be in yoga pants everyday. Nothing wrong with that, by the way! I could easily blame that on being a new mom, but the truth is, I've been like this forever. I like getting dressed up for certain occasions, but usually, I'm looking for something with less effort. I've been wanting to step it up just a tiny bit so I don't feel frumpy. I've studied some of my favorite stylists and watched what stylists have done for me on shows, too. Accessories can be your best friend. Sometimes just a statement piece like a scarf and some chunky earrings will do wonders. On days like today where I'm running an errand with the baby, then have a work meeting, I want something that is comfortable, but still looks put together. More importantly, I love pieces that are affordable so I don't care if it gets spit up on it!


A go-to uniform for me:

I love v-neck tees and THIS ONE has become my favorite. At $19, it's hard to go wrong, but this one went really right. It comes in a ton of colors, too. I'm wearing a medium. It's a perfect, relaxed fit on me. And gives me just enough room to easily breastfeed, which leads me to the scarf!

Light, breathable scarves are great cover ups for while breastfeeding. This one is under $30 (and extremely soft- take a look at the reviews!), so I'm less concerned with it getting messed up. The print pops and makes a statement without being too bold. This scarf may sell out, so you can also get it HERE!

These earrings I'm wearing in the photo are on sale for only $20 right now.  I love the colors for fall and winter. I also saw this pair for $20 that are very similar.  


Here are some other cute, affordable ideas:

Have a great Monday! xo  Ashley  

ps- let me know your thoughts! Especially other ideas from nursing moms;) 

You are SMART....!


I got my own private concert this morning! #NothingBetter 

Doesn't every parent want to think their child is intelligent? I look at Joel several times a week and say, "Hayden is advanced, right? I think he's smart."  Of course, I have NO idea what I'm talking about or even how to make a baby smarter, but I do know how to google! And one thing that consistently comes up is sound. Babies love sounds...and music. Even when I was pregnant, doctors encouraged playing music for the baby to hear in the womb!

Psychologist Frances Rauscher released a study in 1993 touting the magical benefits of classical music, igniting the Mozart Effect. The study was conducted on college kids who listened to 10 minutes of classical music before performing spatial tasks. Scientists have since debunked the idea that simply listening to music can make you smarter. However, the benefits of infants and toddlers interacting with music still holds strong. Rauscher now urges parents to put their children on instruments, rather than passively just playing music for them.

We are currently living in a temporary place that's an amazing space for someone single or newly married, but throw a baby and a 4 year old into the mix and...you get the picture. Joel had this piano that we debated giving to another family member because of space issues. But he loves to play it, so I'm happy we kept it. What I never expected was how much Hayden would love it, too. Music in general stimulates and soothes the little man, but when he can control the sounds, it's fun to watch.


I came home from work last week to my mom dancing around the house, holding Hayden and singing to him as Alexa blared music. He was kicking his little legs (sometimes to the beat) and cooing and singing right along with Carrie Underwood.  Lately, anytime he's fussy from teething, I distract him with music and movement. To watch your child go from discomfort to pure joy is priceless. And this is something that is literally price-less. It costs nothing to dance around your house or play music and sing to your baby.

For me, I know how impactful music is for my mood. The right song can encourage me to workout harder or relax and slow down! 

What songs are your babies listening to? I'd love to hear how music is incorporated in your life! Hayden loves his Baby Einstein Take Along toy (first one below). It's so affordable, I'm ordering another one just to keep in the diaper bag at all times. We don't own these pianos (yet), but how fun when he can stand and walk! Ps- Hayden (and mom) LOVE cuddling in his new Softsie footsie. I cannot get over how soft they are against his skin. 




Ready or not, here I grow....


He's napping next to me right this second, so I have a few minutes to jot down some thoughts. How is my baby already 4 months? How. Did. That. Happen?? I stare at him. I want to memorize his face and expressions and hands and feet. I'm a tad emotional right now because my mom was here last week helping me while I worked and she just left for the airport. I will forever be jealous of people that have their parents in town. I'm grateful, though, Hayden has been able to meet and spend time with all his grandparents even though they aren't in LA. And we have our village here: I've been blessed with friends that are going through the same journey and some friends that are great "aunts and uncles."  

Hayden changes and grows faster than I could have ever imagined. Example: when I was pregnant, I read about the stages of growth for babies. I remembered that he would be able to reach and grab things around 16-17 weeks. That sounded so far away to me back then. But, I saw him evolving and perfecting his hand eye coordination. And, it all came together this morning. I was holding him and chewing a piece of gum. I absentmindedly blew a bubble and he reached up, grabbed it, popped it and laughed. He's this little human being now with his own mind and sense of humor. My favorite is when he laughs so hard, he squeals and startles himself, then laughs again. 

Ready or not, my little one is growing! He's in sizes up to 6 months now. While my mom was here, we went through his clothes. We sorted out all the little outfits that don't fit him anymore (cue the sighs) and brought out the bigger sizes I had stored. As hard as it is to realize he is no longer a "newborn," I keep reminding myself of all the fun phases yet to come: he played piano with his Dad for the first time! And some not-so-fun: we've just entered teething!! Poor thing. 

shop the post below! (as well as a few of our new favorite things and I couldn't resist adding in a few girl items...go ahead and scroll through!) ps- the elephant in the picture above is a very similar one to the one I linked below.

#FBF to our First Travel Experience (and what helped us along the way)

We are back and settled from Hayden's first plane ride to visit the grandparents in Texas. It's so stressful to fly for the first time with your infant! But, now that we have this landmark under our belts, I feel like I could do it again. It's daunting being out of our element, but worth every second we get to spend with family and friends from home.

Hayden got to see his aunts (my sister, and my mom's sisters that came out for the the shower) and meet his Uncle Zach for the first time! It was a really special time. Confession: I am SO SO SO jealous of people that have their parents and siblings nearby when they start a family. I'm so grateful we have my husband's sweet brother and sister-in-law (and their darling daughter)! Otherwise, all our family is out of state! I miss them so much, my mom is coming out next week while I'm filming again and my sister will be out the week after! 

As I mentioned in a previous post, I cheated on the traveling. I waited until I had my family members to go with me and help. But, I was also armed with this travel system stroller and car seat by Britaxx. It's so nice to use a stroller that was light but sturdy- pictured above. Also pictured is my "uniform," as I call it.  Stretchy, comfy jeans with a nursing top. I've talked about this nursing top so much and it's sold out at the moment (but comes back in stock soon! It came back in stock a few weeks ago, only to sell out again!). It's a slight investment, but I must say, I wear it in blue (and red) ALL THE TIME. Plus, I wash and dry them constantly. The discreet zippers on the side of this Loyal Hana's tops make breastfeeding anytime and anywhere very doable. I wore it on the plane (to breastfeed taking off and landing for his little ears). There are other nursing tops and dresses that I'm wearing right now, too...so check them out. The last time I shot GH and had to nurse and pump, I loved this nursing hoodie from Olian pictured HERE in this post. I'm wearing that one now! 

Also pictured is my convertible backpack/messenger diaper bag. It's sleek and solid black (I got it while I was still pregnant and it doubled as a computer bag before Hayden was born) and most importantly, so easy to wash after we spilled all over it on the plane. My girlfriend gave me a tip to  have a separate bag just for changing diapers inside the diaper bag. So, I had a freezer bag zip lock with wipes, diaper changing pads and diapers. I actually used this theory of zip lock freezer size bags for a myriad of things to organize the diaper bag. Really glad I did! Do y'all have any genius traveling tips? Please let me know.

 I literally cannot get over how sad he looks leaving my parents' house! this was our last day in Texas. 

 I literally cannot get over how sad he looks leaving my parents' house! this was our last day in Texas. 

Of course, we couldn't leave Texas without our "HOME" onesie (which they make for your state, too, for under $20!). Pretty sure we'll be grabbing these for Xmas presents this year for our other friends with babies.  It was a bit of a struggle with dad, though, considering he's from Oklahoma! I think I'll have one made with the OK state that says "almost home!" ha.


Play dates! Play dates!


While some friends are living it up at #NYFW as we follow their every move on social media, it's hard to believe I'm 40 and making playdates with my three-month-old but here we are and I love it. Hayden has had a few dates lately. Earlier in the week, he had a date with Miss Molly Manno...and of course, had to dress up! 


Then, we're losing it over here at these photos from our triple date today with Lennox and Molly! It's like Hayden had a chance with Molly, then Mr. Lennox came calling! And, it looks like Molly chose Lennox!! So funny. 

I can't get over how adorable these kiddos are together...I also can't get over how much our have changed in a phenomenally short amount of time. I mean, we were all just pregnant together! The three of us moms all had a busy day, but I'm so glad we still got together. Our dear friend Lacey had her baby, too, so we can't wait to bring Julia into the mix! It's good for me to see and hear how other first time mothers are handling their new lives with the baby. Having that village of other women is important. Hayden still isn't sleeping as much as I'd like at night, so Molly's mom (follow Ali Fedotowsky's blog here) shared some ideas. I'm laughing as I write this because no one sleeps as much as they would like to anymore. I can't believe I ever complained about a)sleep or b)my back hurting pre-baby. I had no idea what real sleep deprivation was! If you all have tips on babies sleeping longer stretches, let me know. I appreciate your comments. Meanwhile, Hayden is sleeping longer right now than he has maybe ever. And here I am not able to sleep! It's literally 2am and I cannot sleep. I'm learning lines for an audition and now writing here...Tomorrow may be rough. 


Our get togethers are much quicker than they used to be and involve a decent amount of chaos (check our snapchat: @ashleyaubra), but still just as much fun. ps- Check out Amy's blog here!


Hayden loves his....

My visit to OZ!


I got to visit and chat with Dr. Oz today. 

I'm excited about this segment. Stay tuned for more details, air date and BTS photos, etc. What I will say is this: I had a great experience. Dr. Oz and his crew are every bit as awesome as you'd expect. He was so lovely about General Hospital, too! All you GH fans will enjoy that we chatted about our mutual admiration for Maurice Bernard.  And guess what soap was filmed on this very set for years? (I'll see if anyone knows before I reveal).

Outfit details are below... I am in love with this sweater. I have been wearing things that are easy to nurse in (also, search: "nursing" in the search box for other attire)---this one is obviously not, but worth the extra trouble because it makes me feel so ladylike with it's ethereal thistle print.  note: I'm wearing a size 2. It's not too tight, even with the nursing going on! I decided it was time to invest in great pair of black, up to date pants. There are also these that I like that are not such an investment, a bit more #budgetfriendly.




Hayden is doing all sorts of "firsts" lately; the biggest first is traveling. (I can't believe he is already 3 months! It seems like just yesterday, I was pregnant!) He is visiting his grandparents in Texas. We can all agree that is a stressful hurdle to do for the first time. Okay, perhaps it's more of a hurdle for mom than baby.  And I have a confession to make. I cheated.  I didn't do it alone. I had my parents and my sister. Dad had to work (and we are missing him like crazy)... 

The time change wasn't huge, but it was enough to throw us off a bit. We tried to keep a few staples in his life consistent. He loves his Dockatot, so I brought that as a carryon on the plane. It doubled as a changing station for us, too. I just make sure to put diaper pads down on it first.

To make the whole travel experience easier on me, I used Britax B-Agile travel system. I had it shipped to my parents house so my dad could have the car seat ready to go. It's easy peasey to install. And the stroller that works with the car seat is awesome. Very light and easy.  We're keeping it in Texas for our future trips home. 


Final moments of Summer...perfect for resort wear!

Although I'm looking forward to fall, it's still warm enough to keep the sun dresses readily available. Plus, I fully plan on wearing this dress with a denim jacket or pastel pink cardigan to transition into the next season. This color keeps selling out (I know!), but it's being restocked.  In the meantime, the other two colors are just as fun and flattering.  Loving the detail in the back! (oh and ps- I don't always match my outfit to my son's diaper!!, but when I do, I make sure it's a happy pattern!)

I'm still working on toning and tightening post-baby, so I'm not afraid to say I'll wear spanx if needed.  And the higher cut in the front will show off sandals, wedges or even low booties. Just a fun, affordable dress!

Sunday Best...

It's still a little warm in LA for caps and sweaters, but we're just preparing for the fall now that's summer is almost over! I love the angelic feel of all white with this little romper.  I can't believe we're going on three months here, so I'm reorganizing clothing and getting the next size up out and ready. 

This is one of the little outfits that started my whole "safari"/ elephant theme from the shower that influenced the nursery, too. His Auntie Kaley gave him this little blanket and matching cashmere outfit.  It going to make me so sad when he outgrows it... but, I'll save this one.

Mom Life- the things we get excited about now, my how times have changed!

Last week, Marque Communications (thanks, y'all!) invited us to an event hosted by 4 Moms and Tesla launching the world's first self installing car seat! If you've ever installed a car seat, this is exciting news. We made a date night out of it! Actually, we picked up Amy Davidson and her husband Kacy and made a double date out of it. It wouldn't be such a big deal to us, except this was the first time we had all been out of the house without the babies together. The event and its sponsors supported Safe Kids Worldwide.

I wanted to wear something easy and effortless that was also slimming and forgiving.  I forgot how much I love pink and navy until I put on this Felicity and CoCo dress. The necklace is fun and so affordable for the style and type. It sold out, but is now back in stock. It's one extra long bezel station necklace that I wrapped around twice.  I really love these pieces for layering or by themselves. It's just delicate enough to feel feminine, but still make a statement.  I'm quickly learning there's a time and a place to wear it, though. Hayden is getting big and strong enough to grab hold of it!! 

Affordable Finds! For under $20!

Heading out to a BBQ with the family. I like how this top  (that comes in four colors!) looks fun and effortless. I am daring to wear a lot of white lately. As I mentioned in another post, I think it's because I'm constantly oxi-cleaning, so why not? But, I also love the turquoise color this crochet top come in for only $38! For me, I'm still carrying (and probably will be as long as I breast feed) some baby weight, so the off-the-shoulder effect kind of draws the eye away from the softer spots! I added big sunglasses and fun earrings... and we're off.  ps- the earrings are on SALE for $20 and sunglasses are only $18.  Check out my other finds at the #NSALE below. Ends tomorrow!!! 

Casual Work day...with Hayden. Easy and functional? Yep! Read why!

Yesterday, I took some time to work outside of the house while I was hanging out with the little man. Love being able to be mobile and functional.  A couple of things make this possible for me: the ergo infant carrier and my LoyalHana comfy, light weight flannel nursing top.  

I like the nursing top so much, I have it in blue, too. (pictured HERE). I enjoy being able to dress it up or down. But, mostly, I like the discreet zippers that allow me to nurse on the go without having to pull down straps. An added plus? Pockets! I also wear the brand's dresses! Like THIS ONE.

The jeans are part of the are not super low (which I like better for fall) and are comfy and stretchy.  As far as the sunnies go, I'm not the only one that likes them. You can buy them now, but they are back ordered for a couple of weeks (for $12-- so worth the wait!) The sale is going strong for another week... but, get 'em while you can before items sale out or prices go up. 

ps- in my recent online order, I got glasses that I posted HERE. They sold out after I posted, but they're back in stock! Limited quantity, though. 

Question for the moms: I'd love to know what secrets or habits you have that make it possible for you to be mobile... like what items do you never leave the house without? xo


I wish I could show you what I look like right now... you know...I might try because I just finished breastfeeding and putting Hayden down in his HaloI am now pumping while I'm trying to write this post and shop the last days of the #NSALE! And I need some advice. I haven't kept it a secret that I had some issues with breastfeeding. Now, I'm having trouble with milk supply. He's totally getting fed! I'm just supplementing with formula if he's still hungry after I breast feed him- mainly at night.  I'm drinking a lot more water (I was drinking plenty before, but I guess this process requires an abundant amount of H2O) and adding fenugreek oil.  However, does anyone have any advice? One consultant recommended a hospital grade pump to increase supply.  Thoughts?

Also, did anyone else feel like they were gaining weight after they initially lost some of the pregnancy pounds? Is this due to breast feeding? Of course, he's worth all of it a million times over! Just curious if there were something else I should be doing/know about. Like more cardio (ha!!)!

I have more questions, but perhaps I should start with these two topics first. Both are fairly big conversations!  Hope you all had a good start to the weekend. xo


#OOTD #SaleAlert!

I didn't sleep much last night, so I'm totally fine hiding my eyes today with these sunglasses! And for $18, why wouldn't I? Also, part of the #Nsale under $20, this top is great. It comes in several colors and patterns. For summer, I'm liking this racerback, but just ordered (also on major sale) one with long sleeves for fall.  It also comes in the same pattern with sleeves

Certain colors just make me happy. I'm drawn to them. Turquoise is one of them, but as barbie doll as it sounds, I love pink. These earrings and their pop of color are too fun. And priced just right.  I must add that I posted some pieces a few days ago that already sold out (still waiting for them to restock these glasses -- they said they would-- that I posted HERE). All to say, get 'em while you can.  Okay, heading out for my meeting today. I linked the post below...xo

Monday got me feeling like...!!! (a few of our favorites from the first two months)

I'm taking note of the items we've loved in these first couple months. (And by the way, I woke up yesterday with tears in my eyes. He's already two months!!) I had no idea when I registered for Hayden what we would end up using all the time and what we wouldn't. It's hard to come up with a registry when you don't know if your child will really use certain items or not. Each baby is different, but the more I commiserate with other moms, there are some universally popular items...Of course, I could put a thousand things on the list (and will do a more extensive post on this at some point soon). 

The 4 Moms Mamaroo we have enjoyed daily. It makes a great shower gift, especially if a group of friends want to go in together! Another item moms swear by (and I'm understanding why) is the Fisher Price Snugabunny.  Portable, compact, and the babes love to lounge. 

I'm adding a few items that we use daily in the gallery below. We're loving Hayden's activity grow-with-me center. It's so affordable and we use it every day for tummy time and stimulation/play time. And, if you follow some of our pictures, you'll notice his WubbaNub in quite a few.** That elephant Wubbanub, I can't ever forget, no pun intended! 

I swear, I'd never get a blog post written if it weren't for the ergo carrier. Hayden loves  lounging/hanging out with me at a coffee shop or lunch, then usually dozes off for awhile and I get to work! Not sure how much longer I'll be able to do this while he is so well behaved, so I'm taking advantage now. 

"Fall"ing For Flats (and they're under $60 at Fall #NSale)

I've never in my life gone out of my way to find flats. My girlfriend from high school, Michele Bell, gave me flats for my baby shower. She warned me as a new mom I would wear them out. These particular ones in the photo above come in many patterns and colors. I love a great neutral color, too, though.  I enjoy the added interest of the ties up the calves. Plus, they work now in the summer and will work well in the fall with the closed pointed toe.

Below, I've linked a few of my other favorite flats (already ordered some!) that are part of #NSale at Nordstroms! Take a peek. Note that prices are only reflected once on the site, not listed below with the pictures. And Ps- a bit obsessed with these Felicity and Coco dresses. Tonight, I'm wearing this strapless one (you can barely see it above in the photo above, but look how cool the back is in the picture to the right). I threw it on right after I pumped for a quick date night. It's under $80. I wore several of them while I was pregnant, too... since they're non-maternity, they work even better now post-preg. Because I'm breastfeeding and need support with the strapless dress, I am wearing this bandeaualso a part of the #NSale.  

Have a great night, everyone!

Hidden Gems...like zippers on nursing attire!

On a recent early date night (yes, we brought Hayden because he's at a good age and we made it a very early night) I thought I had it all planned out perfectly.  But, alas, I'm learning there is no "perfect" with a newborn and nursing. He needed to eat sooner than I expected and I happened to be prepared. These nursing dresses are pretty genius with the hidden zippers. (And if you've followed me for a bit, you know I'm a sucker for pockets, too). 

Just picked up these booties that will work with this dress (and in other patterns here) through the fall and winter. Speaking of fall and winter, I also grabbed some wraps that work for nursing in public (like on this date night), but will double for cozy warmth in the colder months with or without nursing. 


SUMMER WHITE! on sale!

Last weekend, we visited Travel Town in Los Angeles's Griffith Park. Huck is slightly obsessed with trains, so this was a perfect family outing. I dared to wear white, but lately I'm oxy cleaning daily, so I figured why not! And today I found out my shirt is on sale for $40! I actually had women stop and ask me where I got it. It's easy, classy and I love the flirty little touch of lace.  I'm wearing a small. It's fairly room-y.  I remember reading once that when in doubt, go monochromatic. So, I threw on skinny white jeans, (those are part of the #NSALE)  white converse and some fun chunky white earrings (can you believe they are $14?) and threw my hair in a messy bun (the messy part was courtesy of the long sleepless night).  And, I protected Hayden's little eyes with these polarized, non-slip glasses.  So hilarious and cute and necessary- and come in a ton of colors. You can also get babiators baby and toddler sunglasses on sale right now here.


And I rounded up other summer whites! Take a look below!

Mother's Day Out

My mother recently came in town last week  (thank the Lord) to help while I went back to work filming GENERAL HOSPITAL- check back for more info in a post soon.  Hayden turned one month old.  Read more HERE about the reality of the first month.  We managed to have one outing together with the baby.  We were on a mission to finish the nursery (I can't wait to share it all with you!).  


I'm wearing my first ever NURSING topI didn't think I'd need or want one, but let me tell you, when it came time to feed Hayden, it was so nice to simply unzip each side and discretely nurse.  I haven't had the easiest road this first month with breastfeeding, so things that make it easier are welcomed!

Plus, I got several compliments on my "adorable" top - with pockets!  It's flattering without being too tight (I'm wearing an XS and there's still room). It comes in red, too. I'm picturing wearing this again in the spirit of 4th of July  with these sandals and white shorts - maybe a red purse! This day, I added my favorite go-to Ippolita silver Earrings to dress up the look with flats and jeans.